the Rift

!! This isn't Control

God of the Earth Posts: 287
Helovian Ancient
Stallion :: Equine :: 22.0hh :: Ageless

God of the Earth
Buried in Water and Earth

The God listened with the patience of a stone. His heart yearned to soothe and comfort the wounded heart and mind before him, but no matter how strong his paternal urges were, he fought them. It was the gift of the long life that he had, to know when pain was a teaching tool, and when it was merely a burden. If this creature was truly bonded to the blind mare's soul, then erasing that pain would do nothing, but stifle the memory of one loved and lost. No, the burden was Rasta's to bear, and bear it, she would.

Still, the mare had perhaps drawn him to her wisely - for he doubted if any of his kin would be so accommodating to her request. As he had said, a bond even severed was impossible to repair. But perhaps....perhaps there was a way. "If you wish to fill the hole Rasta, that can be done, but very painfully. It will be as if the memory of your former companion has literally been ripped out of your soul - and that wound, will never heal. There is another way...a harder way, but one that may prove better in the long run. Let your soul grieve until the end of Orangemoon. You will retain this temporary sight I have given you, but you will lose the ability to speak. During that time, your thoughts must rest on your hawk. Once the days grow longer and hotter, you must search out three who have either lost a companion, or have come very close to it. Even then, after knowing what could happen to your soul again, should you bond with another, return to me here, and we shall see what the state of your soul is then..."

His tail flicked gently, as he awaited her decision. Mortals were rash, and it would not surprise the God should she take him up on his first offer, which would supply immediate gratification. While he would have preferred not to even suggest such an option, he knew that it was her decision to make, regardless of what a poor choice it would be.

[The God has given Rasta two options. The first, is to 'fill' the hole in her soul. This will be permanently painful, and Rasta will be plagued with horrific visions and ghosts forever. She will in effect, have part of her soul burned up, and will forever face the consequences, but she'll get a new hawk immediately. The second option, is to keep her sight but lose the ability to speak until TallSun (she will have to make at leaset two posts during this time, contemplating her hawk). Then, she will have to find three others who have either lost a companion, or have come very close to it.)

Messages In This Thread
!! This isn't Control - by Rasta - 11-14-2013, 11:32 PM
RE: !! This isn't Control - by God of the Earth - 11-16-2013, 11:38 PM
RE: !! This isn't Control - by Rasta - 11-17-2013, 01:03 AM
RE: !! This isn't Control - by God of the Earth - 11-17-2013, 01:32 AM
RE: !! This isn't Control - by Rasta - 11-18-2013, 08:31 PM
RE: !! This isn't Control - by God of the Earth - 12-19-2013, 12:07 PM
RE: !! This isn't Control - by Rasta - 12-19-2013, 10:02 PM

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