the Rift

[OPEN] The Glad Game

Alina Posts: N/A
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She felt like she had just woken up from a nightmare; she had that unsettling feeling inside her, that feeling that usually persisted for quite some time after a really bad dream. However the knot in Alina’s stomach was slowly coming loose and her world seemed to brighten with every passing second. She started to notice the beauty around her; the orange and red leaves of the trees, the rustling grass, the clear blue sky and the shallow creek. It was all so beautiful, so why should she despair? I am safe now, she told herself. I will be home soon and…

Her thought were cut short as heavy hoof beats reached her tiny ears. Her heart seemed to stop for a second and she flung her fine chiseled head in the direction of the sound, causing her half healed skin to break in the middle of her chest. A grunt escaped her as pain and a small trickle of blood emitted from the small tear in her tarnished hide.

The dove’s resent experiences had left her jumpy and wary towards strangers and the only thing she had time to think of while turning her head was that if this was yet another hornless unicorn she would lose her mind.

She was in luck though, because the draft built mare who came towards her sported a crescent, ivory horn that arched downwards. But Alina still didn’t feel safe, the last time she had trusted a stranger she had been burned - literally. So she shifted her weight to her right side - slightly leaning away from the approaching female unicorn; preparing to take flight if necessary. She knew it would hurt to hurl her body up in the air, but she figured pain was better than death.

However the stranger made an entrance of such an unthreatening nature that Alina quickly forgot her fear.

With her slender body tense and her head held high the dove watched the two-colored woman approach. The girl was completely taken aback by the first words uttered and she immediately felt her face grow hot as she blushed at the compliment given to her. And when the poor stranger stumbled into the creek and sent a glittering cascade of water towards her Alina couldn’t hold back a laughing shriek. She held her ground though, letting the water spray on her face, chest and forelegs. She knew that moving would hurt her.

By the time the mare had climbed up from the stream bed Alina had relaxed and she received the other mare with a smile. Her eyes were still red-rimmed though and her cheeks striped from the dried tears. Maybe the dove trusted to quickly, but she didn’t think that this lovely woman would hurt her. She seemed too sweet and besides, she was a real unicorn - with a horn!

”It’s alright, ma’am.” Alina assured as the stranger apologized for splashing her. And when her wings were complimented the young dove shyly extended them a bit so that the mare could have a better look.

Just then the sound of a pegasus flying caught Alina’s attention and she turned her head to see a roan mare descend from the heavens. The metallic hooves of this new arrival was the first thing Alina noticed, they were so shiny and almost reflective. The mare’s wingspan was impressive and her crimson eyes reminded the dove of her friend Virus.

The curiosity and the compliments the unicorn mare had given Alina created a warm feeling. She almost felt safe though she didn’t even know the mare’s name yet. However this new mare made her heart pound in her chest. The scent the winged one bore with her; the scent of home and the scent of a mature female, caused Alina’s head to spin slightly. There was something about assertive pegasi mares with something metallic to their features that really struck a chord inside the young dove.

Her feelings didn’t show in her face though and she received also this mare with a broad smile.

”Well met, sister Godiva.” the dove said and bowed her head slightly. ”I am Alina Josefina, but most people call me Alina. What may I call you?” Her last words were directed towards the big unicorn mare who had not yet spoken her name.

Both mares, who were somewhat similar to each other in color, seemed eager to know what had happened to her. Well, one more than the other, and Alina thought for a second how she would explain what had happened. ”I was burned by explosive magic.” she said finally, leaving it up to the two mares to ask if they wanted to know more.

Märk hur vår skugga, märk, Movitz mon frere
Inom ett mörker sig slutar
Hur guld och purpur i skoveln, den där byts till grus och klutar
Vinkar Charon från sin brusande älv
och tre gånger sen dödgrävaren själv
Mer du din druva ej kryster därföre, Movitz, kom hjälp mig och välv
Gravsten över vår syster!

fillyrox | FirenzeLotus22 | solarka-stock | Goblin-stoc | wyldraven

Messages In This Thread
The Glad Game - by Alina - 12-13-2013, 03:28 PM
RE: The Glad Game - by Maeve - 12-17-2013, 07:44 AM
RE: The Glad Game - by Godiva - 12-17-2013, 10:22 PM
RE: The Glad Game - by Alina - 12-19-2013, 03:41 PM
RE: The Glad Game - by Godiva - 12-21-2013, 05:35 PM
RE: The Glad Game - by Alina - 12-28-2013, 01:23 PM

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