the Rift

[DROP] Who can sail when the winds won't blow [SS Drop]

Sikeax Posts: N/A
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Here she was again, finding youthful bones drawn towards the sea and the salt that coated the air in her lungs. Each step got a spring to it. This place brought her to life, and with cold to snake fingers upon the nights once more, she had been prepared to mark her first year upon a list of things conquered. During that year, she got what was needed to morph her to a current statue of a teenager more than eager to be an adult. She longed for freedom and fresh life.The sea was the one to bring that to her.
Carrying her short frame over the sands, there was the distant hints of voices. The gathering of others gathered curiosity to her mind, longing for a few words of conversation dare it fall useful and wise to a pair of ears. When she joins them, those gathered around the driftwood, she finds something she almost received recently.
"It's an egg. I pulled one out of the lake at the Grove recently, only to lose it to a companion."
The presence of the dog with the stallion brings her attention forward to him. She watches, piecing together objects that don't belong together. The males remind her of her mother, oddly, though the girl there is a different story. The other chick there made her skin crawl and her horn want to snap off. It's a thing that makes you want to pack up and haul ass Pitt.
Growling touches her ears. It settles like the wood brought about by water atop land. Automatically she gives her discomfort and sets the stallion to be the one she isn't going to like.
"Control him, why don't you? Bad masters make for bad pets." If she got lucky, then she wasn't going to treat her egg like a pet, instead would take joy in having that egg to herself.
She's greedy sometimes, though she represses, its true. One sick true fact that lands inside her as a kick in the guts.

OOC: Rougarou


Refusal 1
If you could hear me then, can you hear me now?

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RE: Who can sail when the winds won't blow [SS Drop] - by Sikeax - 12-19-2013, 09:24 PM

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