the Rift

[PRIVATE] Face the Music

Irrydae Posts: 111
Hidden Account
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16.2hh :: Seven

"What do I seek? Why, isn't that a secret?"
"Maybe you'll find out in time - maybe I, will find out in time."

Irrydae looks at the ground, wondering whether she should visit the Threshold again or patrol the borders. It does not take long for a decision, her tired body unwilling to make the trip to the forest. Maw brushing the water of her pool, she pulls away and trots toward the border of her lands, bicolored tail swishing absent-mindedly. She had not done much patrolling since her shift with Evers. Her heart skips a beat at the thought, fluid steps stuttering slightly. Irrydae shakes her cranium, pushing the thought away. She was starting to think he did not want to see her anymore - she does not blame him for her reaction in the Threshold. Embarrassing. So, so embarrassing. Despite her over-reaction he had remained collected, and told her he would send Rita. A painful smile lifts the corners of her mouth at the thought of his soft blue eyes and the scrawny blue body that insisted only the best for her. She did not deserve him.

Irrydae slows when she reaches the waterfall, golden eyes peering at the gushing water that soothed her mind and thoughts. Ears perked forward, she pushes herself into a smooth canter, letting the sound of her own hoof beats fill the silence. Wings float alongside her, rocking slightly with her gait. Nares flare as she reaches the edge, slowing down to a trot again - something she could maintain longer. With a sigh, Irrydae trudges along the border, golden eyes alert as she keeps her mind focused only on the task ahead.

Quite some time passes before a fresh scent hits her. Irrydae snorts, stopping and looking around. It was not one of a horse, and it was one she recognized. Golden eyes catch sight of a wriggling figure, small and petite. Her head cocks slightly, eyes narrowing as she tries to identify it. Could it be...? Rita bounds towards her, yipping and body wriggling excitedly. Happiness overwhelms her and an excited laugh bubbles from her lips. "Rita!" Irrydae trots over to meet her, lowering her head to the greyhound. They touch noses and Irrydae laughs at the bouncing pup... if you could call her a pup anymore. Rita wriggles excitedly before bounding off a few steps. Irrydae's breath hitches. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Evers. Irrydae glances back at the Foothills wondering if they would mind her disappearance. It seems like thats all she does anymore. She purses her lips, tail flicking nervously. She would finish when she got back.

Irrydae lopes after Evers's bonded, heart thudding erratically and nervousness growing in her stomach. Butterflies also fluttered in her stomach and she felt as if she could heave. Irrydae watches the greyhound, wondering if that thing ever runs out of energy. She smiles at her, and she nearly falls on her face when she notices the narrowing trail and thickening fog.

Heavenly Fields.

She skids to a stop, breath increasing quickly and mouth opening in a silent protest. Rita gazes at her with soft eyes, sitting and waiting. Hyperventilating, Irrydae paces and works on slowing her breathing. Once back to a normal rate, Irrydae nods once and follows Rita up the winding trail with wings tucked in at her sides. She squints to follow the small figure of Rita, though she knows this trail almost by heart now. As the fog starts to thin, Irrydae slows down, biting the inside of her cheek. Rita doesn't stop and Irrydae reluctantly follows, stepping into the bright light. She squints, wings falling at her sides as she gulps down air.

Hey eyes fall on the beautiful blue pelt of Evers, eyes softening and throat tightening. What is she supposed to say? "Evers," she hears herself say, voice warm and relieved. Heart grows wild as she approaches him, crisp air grazing her skin. "Rita found me." Just like you said. It took you long enough, Irrydae thinks, and instantly regrets her words. Stupid, stupid. She exhales, realizing she had been holding her breath. Her heartbeat rings in her ears and she smiles lightly, shifting her weight between each leg. "I-" She doesn't know what to say, despite how much she could. "How have you been, Evers?" She decides on, eyes gazing at him softly.


[Image: wu5k41.png]
please tag irry in every post! magic & aggression allowed w/o death

Messages In This Thread
Face the Music - by Evers - 12-30-2013, 04:50 AM
RE: Face the Music - by Irrydae - 12-30-2013, 07:04 PM
RE: Face the Music - by Evers - 01-02-2014, 08:59 AM
RE: Face the Music - by Irrydae - 01-05-2014, 09:51 PM

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