the Rift

Holiday Exchange :: Writing :: Writing Stage

Ampere The Mother of Companions Posts: 719
Dragon's Throat Sultana atk: 9 | def: 11 | dam: 4.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 14 hh :: 6 years HP: 73 | Buff: DANCE
Kygo :: Green Cheek Conure :: None Blu

She was absolutely bursting with anticipation for the events of the day! She had never decorated a tree before, but it seemed like a fitting reward considering the gift she'd received from the Giving Tree. The tingle of magic back in her body felt so natural, but she knew it was a special gift, one that touched her deeply with memories of Nocturne, where she'd first known her magic, although of a different kind. If anything discovering new abilities in Helovia only pricked her memories of her homeland even further, and each day she spent her she felt a greater need to return and find her sister and her son. After all, so many had survived the storm and found their way here... she just had to believe that they were alright or else she could not rest. If they weren't here by now, then they must have survived at home, they simply must have!

This growing need to depart was yet another reason to spruce up a spruce. Kahlua had welcomed her into her herd and had grown to be such a fast friend, even giving her a gift, which Alysanne still wore. The glass tiara twinkled in the afternoon sunlight as she frolicked, casting a dazzle of rainbows against the white backdrop of snow which at times, distracted Alysanne with their beauty. She'd occasionally stop to watch the colors dance, awe filling her emerald eyes with a naive wonder.

This did nothing to help her find the tree she'd picked out earlier either, as after her moments of stopping she'd pick up the wrong direction, not that she seemed to notice, or mind. She was after all enjoying a nice stroll with her two friends, Kahlua and Miyakel, how better could she spend this fine day?
“It's over here!" she called out to her guardian angel. Miyakel trotted alongside her and looked to where her muzzle pointed, but try as he might he couldn't see a thing.
“Are you sure?" Miyakel asked. “Well, now that you mention it..." Alysanne responded, pausing after each word as she reconsidered. Miyakel flashed a warm smile, well accustomed to her sense of direction.

“Well, why not pick a different tree?" Kahlua offered brightly, coming to stand on the other side of Alysanne. The painted pegasus nodded in agreement to her friend, bursting off in a flurry of snow as the excitement overtook her. “Okay, this way!" she called back to them, laughter coloring her words.

The trio dashed through the snow, spreading good cheer through the Thistle Meadow, when suddenly, CRASH!

Feathers swirled all around Alysanne as her wings and body wrapped against a dark shape. Sprawled out on the ground with her, Aleksandr lay in a daze. “Oh!" she exclaimed, rushing to her feet to kneel down beside the lean, black stallion. “Sasha! I'm so glad I found you today!" Alysanne smiled wide, reaching her muzzle out towards him as he began to regain his bearings.
“I'm not," he grumbled under his breath as he hoisted himself back to his feet, shaking the dusting off snow of his back in one swift movement. Alysanne ignored his dark mood, as usual, pressing her joy onto him, perhaps even carelessly even her, but she was too eager to be cautious - as he already well knew.

“What is all," Aleksandr paused, grappling for the word to explain and finally deciding on, that about you?" Alysanne glanced around, thinking he was referring to the plants that had begun to sprout about her hooves now that she'd stopped moving for a few seconds. “Oh, I have magic again!" she offered as way of explanation, but Aleksandr shook his head. “No, the sparkley things," he clarified, although he was curious about her new magic now that she mentioned it.

“It's decorations, for the tree," Miyakel offered as he arrived, glancing between Alysanne and Aleksandr with a mild uncertainty. Alysanne nodded and was provided a distraction as Kahlua came upon the scene as well. “Yes, and why don't we decorate that one there. We have to hurry before it gets dark," the Edge glazier gestured to the tree Aleksandr was standing near. It was a small and well-weathered pine, in obvious need of some holiday cheer. Alysanne absolutely brightened at the idea, jumping on all fours and fluttering her wings as she spun around the trunk, giggling in joy. “Absolutely!" she agreed, beginning to string the tinsel wrapped about her neck in its boughs.

Kahlua joined in, creating glass ornaments for it in various shapes and sizes. Miyakel glanced at Aleksandr, who was a bit overwhelmed by everything, before striding forward and unstrung the golden lace he carried.
In the end, even Aleksandr joined in. Alysanne bumped into him just as she was finishing up, and flashed him a smile, her coat hiding her blush. “Oh Sasha, this is perfect," she breathed, and he head the heart not to say anything in return, letting the moment unwind as it would.

They all four stood back to regard their feat, and though Alysanne knew it was nothing so grand as the wall Kahlua had made, she thought it was beautiful and a fitting gift for the season.

“Happy Holidays," she whispered, her heart fluttering in her chest.

Sorry for the delay! Hope you enjoy this @[Alysanne] :) I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with Alysanne but it was fun to start thread stalking her ;D

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Magic or force permitted any time, aside from death.

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RE: Holiday Exchange :: Writing - by Torleik - 12-06-2013, 01:55 AM
RE: Holiday Exchange :: Writing :: Writing Stage - by Ampere - 12-31-2013, 01:31 AM

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