the Rift

[PRIVATE] Pendulum

Adrixaura Posts: N/A
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Consciousness fading out as words pass through his lips, her ears pricked forward with curiosity and the need to know what he has to say after her own speaking. He touches her. The touch to her body is a forbidden action that usually ends in blood of herself and the one who dare touch her precious hide. You don't ever walk into strip clubs and then rub hands all over the dancers, even if Adrixaura was an exotic dancer,- she had more than just the looks, the attitude, all the whole nine yards, but her height and limp wouldn't make her a good one- things would still remain the same.
One cannnot simply expect a lady to be birthed with such beauty and difficult bloodlines and expect her to be a friendly type when the world is lusting to run lustful fingers over such an exotic body.
Her reaction and choice of comeback is a jump, her spine tensing beneath her pale colours and baby-blues narrowing. That touch was unneeded, but she lets him slide off with it because he is learning to accept her more than the rest had done. Onsoun manipulated her into his precious child while neglecting his own flesh and blood daughter for one that is only the kid of the mare he was so in love with. Her grandsire tried to place good in her while teaching her a soldier's fighting skills for it to back fire in his face. No one complained when she was forced to wear a crown and sit atop a throne when it was not her.
Silence gets a foot-hold between the two of them, and when he apologizes, she merely shakes her head to show him that his apology holds no worth to her ears and that the pause was nothing to her. If he wanted a moment to stand back and think, then let him be.
"Take your time; neither of us are in a rush."
A few more words and she feels the air between the two of them shift. His shame coats their breathing space, aware to all of those around them. Her eyes go to him and if she had eyebrows, they'd be raised in worry as why he was acting in such a manner. For the emotions that came off of her, they were dull and lifeless, tucked deep into her chest where she would pretend little Myrsk would be there to feel them come off her when no one would even know they were there. Her ears move about for a song, little chirpings and tunes that they would share between each. They'd break out into arguements and things would go from there. Their relationship was more of sibling rivalry than anything else.
He has halted his voice now, and finally taking note to their silence, she digs about her thoughts to return him spoken apologizes and worries. "I'm sorry. Onsoun just about died on us at one point and I spent the remainder of my time back in my home attempting to kill the bitch that did it. His first born tried to kill him because he neglected her and picked me over her.
"As for you leaving him like that, it is understandable. We make our mistakes, and it may of been his time to go. While I thought Onsoun dying, I took off and left him with my crying mother. I ignored my mother afterwards and when she birthed a stillborn daughter with a completely healthy colt still thinking her lover dead, it shattered her brain. She shamed me and by that I committed a crime worse than what you expected yourself to have done."

Pulling away, moving slow and trying to get her scarred leg to work with her, she almost stumbles. Its laughed off without a second thought. "Neither of us need to dwell within our past mistakes anymore, for if they are haunting us now, we cannot live in the present and enjoy what we have now."

"talk talk talk talk."

Image Courtesy of Alex

Messages In This Thread
Pendulum - by Roy - 12-14-2013, 12:31 PM
RE: Pendulum - by Adrixaura - 12-22-2013, 07:23 PM
RE: Pendulum - by Roy - 12-26-2013, 03:38 AM
RE: Pendulum - by Adrixaura - 12-26-2013, 10:57 AM
RE: Pendulum - by Roy - 12-26-2013, 05:29 PM
RE: Pendulum - by Adrixaura - 12-27-2013, 11:16 AM
RE: Pendulum - by Roy - 12-30-2013, 06:08 AM
RE: Pendulum - by Adrixaura - 01-01-2014, 11:32 PM
RE: Pendulum - by Roy - 01-02-2014, 11:07 AM

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