the Rift


Pheonix Posts: N/A
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Helovia was swallowed in darkness at this point, stars shining bleakly through the heavy clouds. A whinny sounded from afar, suspiciously familiar. It possessed the same feminine tone from a mare, calm and recognizable. A jovial grin spread onto his lips, perceiving the footfalls of the femme. Lithely trotting forwards, effortlessly yet ethereally graceful, towards the still stallion, Phoenix suppressed a felicitous cry as he bounded to landing mare. Recognizing glistening rose orbs, and her velvety smile, he uttered one word. "Godiva!" Exclaiming, Phoenix craned his neck to offer a friendly embrace.

Warmth spread on his shoulder with her companionable muzzle nudging his back. Chilled air quickly met it once more as poised her cranium to face him gravely. Shadows marked groves and contour lines of her elegant face as emerald orbs met her own. The reuniting of a friend was a joyful thing, but the grim time of night briskly separated a loving reunion. "Yes, I agree", complying with soft tones, he paused, fixated on the frigid earth. "Do you think of me as a coward? I left with no warning, and yet I am back. Would I be accepted again?" Mere questions, he didn't want to hold them back from getting out of the eerie woods. But he wanted a simple answer before they could get going.

//265 words: One day, I hope to write as well as you ^.^ Also, I apologize for not making a thread in the Throat, but Phoenix was deleted, so I had to remake him. :3

Messages In This Thread
Reappearance - by Pheonix - 01-03-2014, 01:36 PM
RE: Reappearance - by Godiva - 01-03-2014, 02:21 PM
RE: Reappearance - by Pheonix - 01-03-2014, 03:22 PM
RE: Reappearance - by Godiva - 01-06-2014, 01:41 AM
RE: Reappearance - by Pheonix - 01-06-2014, 12:29 PM

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