the Rift

[OPEN] Those oblivious, and those who just don't care [Morana, Open]

Pheonix Posts: N/A
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Ears were pricked forwards with curiosity,neck craned forwards staring at the grey ground. It was a whole muddle of confusion, and the orange stallion didn't even know what was occurring. Emerald orbs gazed around in confusion, and Phoenix wanted to offer himself, to be well...a phoenix. Someone who wouldn't back down, a hero who wouldn't stop fighting for the safety of his herd. He couldn't even accomplish those goals without knowing what on earth was going on. As a newcomer again, the man didn't know even half of his herd mates, anxious about socializing, yet wanting to get to know them.

Slowly pacing across the room, the man had sought refuge from the crowded tunnels that lay deeper inside. Constraint from the outside world had made the man very nervous, and he longed to see the sunlight. But some hidden force kept him from wandering where he pleased to go. Wishing to stretch his cramped up bones, the stallion wanted to spar with one of his herd mates. Or at least do something to gain a recognition to those that surround him daily.

Out of the blue, a body from ways away started appearing on the horizon. The tawny form of a stallion flew down from the sky, landing gracefully by the cave. The curvature of his neck was facing downwards, his orbs overflowing with the emotion of contentment. Surely there was someone that the tawny stallion was waiting for, but for now he wanted to begin a conversation. Boldly walking up to him, a friendly smirk played upon his maw. "Hello! My name is Phoenix, and I believe you're my herd mate from the Throat", well it could have been better, but the palomino tried.

It was true that he had spotted this stallion on occasion, by Midas and the others at meetings. There was also another, Guacho, and of course Godiva and Africa. The defiant look blazed in his eyes, but it wasn't meant to be rude. It was just Phoenix's view on how self confidence looked like.

//crap post >.< So sorry!

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RE: Those oblivious, and those who just don't care [Morana, Open] - by Pheonix - 01-14-2014, 01:34 PM

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