the Rift

[PRIVATE] The Good, The Bad And The Ugly [Morana]

Morana Posts: 37
Hidden Account
Mare :: Equine :: 15 :: 5 Buff: NOVICE

So my assumption was right, the low profile of the stallion was not of importance or any other ranked leverage. Another name, filed away in my storage locker for safe keeping, Windwalker the wingless Pegasus. I stood still as he watched me, looking me over like I was some prized mule at an auction. Plush muzzle extended out to touch him; although he was too far gone. I retracted my tiara away without a second thought, as I myself began to continue into the glowing cave. ”Pleasure. A word I uttered into the crisp air, that could have more than one meaning. But, this meaning was more along the lines of nice to meet you.

My smile had faded, as I gazed up into the glittering rock that lined the ceiling. It was as almost as if I was gazing into a distant galaxy, watching the stars flicker in the blackness. I paused my movement though, dumbfounded by his next statement. Are you ludicrous? The stallion had ripped off his own appendages?! Oh for the love of whatever God is out there; what creature did I stumble upon? ”Why would you get rid of such a gift?” I questioned him, my voice soft and curious. He should have been glad to have wings, to be able to launch into the air at a moment’s notice, to fly into the storm clouds. I was mortified, I don’t understand it. I should have been equipped with a sword and feathered armor; but I got nothing.

I shook my head in disgust of the fact that he himself had one such a cruel act. Bored. Because you were bored? I can’t stand this idiocy. You’re still special. I have the blood of a hybrid; born without a blade or the power of flight and he just throws it down the drain? Audits fell against my liver-chestnut poll as my glacier eyes rested upon Windwalker, confused. ”Just another fly horse- no now you’re like me.” I turned, taking a step closer to the sorrowful being of a stallion. ”Now you’re just a horse.” I did my best to let the venom in the throat of my voice, vanish before purring off my lips. I’d never understand stallions; they’re all way to complicated.

What I wouldn't have given, to take those wings from you myself.

Normal Speech
Mother's Voice.
Response to mother.
Table coded by Abba

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RE: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly [Morana] - by Morana - 01-25-2014, 04:55 PM

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