the Rift

[OPEN] Wise men wonder while strong men die

Quinn Posts: N/A
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The time in the cave began to take a toll on everyone. Loosing track on time was not the worst, but it was not fun either. And the cold.. It crept in from everywhere and kept me from getting any form of sleep.

I huddled together the best I could, but the horn on my chin made it difficult to maintain the little warmth that escaped from my body. I had found a quiet corner at the back, far away from anyone else and had tried to make it as comfortable as possible. I thought often of the hide I had found, but as I had checked it the same day and found out that it still smelled horrible, I could not use it.

So I tried my best to keep myself busy with other things when I could. Now, I had no energy left and I could barely keep my head up while my body shook. I was so cold and tired.. All I wanted was some warmth and a good nap.

Then it hit me like a boulder from above. I could die here. If I fell asleep, I may not wake up. With a lump in my throat I swallowed hard and tried to focus my thoughts. What would happen if I did? It could go days before someone found me and I didn't want to die here. Alone.

"Keep careful watch of my brothers' souls.." I offered my short, little prayer to the lady of the moon, the one Beowulf had told me about. The desert could not save me now, neither could the sun. But the moon, it was always there. Watching.

I tried to relax again, to comfort myself in this time of misery, but I failed. Instead, I gave a sight and rested the side of my head against my front legs. Let it be warm again. Please.

No more dreaming like a girl
So in love with the wrong world
[Image: K20W2We.png]

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Wise men wonder while strong men die - by Quinn - 02-08-2014, 03:48 PM

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