the Rift

[OPEN] No church in the wild

Quilyan Posts: 206
Deceased atk: 5.5 | def: 9.0 | dam: 4.5
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 16.2 hh :: 10 (ages in Orangemoon) HP: 62.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Zarina :: Pygmy Marmoset :: Quantum Leap ChaoticMelodies

But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride...
...he was deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his glory from him.

Only years of training as a king-to-be stops the steed from laughing as he realizes that he has caught the mare unawares. She skitters sideways, prancing to face him as her feathers ruffle aggressively. He cocks his head at her, raising and eyebrow, taking a step back to assure her that he means no harm. A kind smile graces his features, but a wicked glint gleams in his eyes as he swallows his amusement. "Perhaps we are all guilty, at heart," he agrees with her, stepping closer again as she seems to calm. "I know I am." This last addition is accompanied by a conspiratorial wink before he turns his attention to the runes. He has spent a great deal of time studying them, as they remind him of home; he came from a more advanced land than this, and he thinks that he recognizes some symbols on this wall. Or, at least, he can deduce the meanings based on placement and images nearby.

She agrees with his original statement before seeming to trail off into her own thoughts once more. He could not say if she had traveled far and wide enough to have seen the likes of the pictographs; after all, he in his mere eight years had traversed more terrain than he had ever thought possible. But she seems hopeful as she asks him if he understands them, and he appraises their little section of the wall thoughtfully. "They aren't magical," he tells her as way of correction, though he manages to do so without sounding condescending. "Well, the glowing, that may be. But the markings themselves are simply a written form of language. Where I come from, we used markings similar to this to keep inventory of the kingdom's goods, or pass messages to one another..." He trails off, remembering. Those had been easier days; he had always known what was expected of him, what his life would hold. Helovia is more interesting in that regard - it keeps him guessing - but he feels that Th'orqui would have been the easier residence, had he a choice in the matter.

"From what I can tell, this is the history of Helovia," he tells her after a moment's silence. "I would guess at this particular section being a creation myth. The drawings, of course, are instrumental in deciphering the runes. Many times, pictographs are hierarchical - you see, the large drawings at the top are representative of the gods." Sure enough, there are etchings as large as his head depicting each of their four gods. He studies them for a moment, then glances down. Right below his eye level there are three images: an equine, a unicorn, and a pegasus. They are smaller than the gods. "While these smaller ones show the races born of them. One can assume that the markings by the gods are meant to represent their names; the same goes for the species below. The hard part is the actual myth. It's all written. Deciphering precisely what each one means... well, that would take more time, comparisons with more samples, things like that." He shakes his head, glances at the blue-tinged mare, wondering if she finds it as fascinating as he does.

[W/C | ---]
Walk walk walk.
Talk talk talk.
Think think think. |

Please tag Quilyan in all replies.
Use of force and/or magic (with the exception of death) is allowed at all times.

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Messages In This Thread
No church in the wild - by Ampere - 02-15-2014, 12:48 PM
RE: No church in the wild - by Quilyan - 02-15-2014, 01:20 PM
RE: No church in the wild - by Ampere - 02-16-2014, 01:12 PM
RE: No church in the wild - by Quilyan - 02-17-2014, 10:15 PM
RE: No church in the wild - by Ampere - 02-21-2014, 01:05 PM
RE: No church in the wild - by Quilyan - 02-24-2014, 09:34 PM
RE: No church in the wild - by Ampere - 03-10-2014, 02:50 PM
RE: No church in the wild - by Quilyan - 04-04-2014, 01:13 AM

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