the Rift

[OPEN] deeds dark and hollows deep; [healing]
Ascended Helovian

Midas the Gallant Posts: 1,164
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 14.3 hh :: Immortal :: Soul is 7 (FF) Buff: HUNTER
Fina :: Common Zephyr :: Phoenix & Wakiya & Neve :: Common Zephyr :: Arctic Angel

She could scream her outrage, cry to an uncaring heaven, it was unlikely that they would descend. Right now I was her only salvation as the weight of chains crashed upon limbs and circled each flailing part of that decaying body. Savagely they tightened across flesh, likely searing past the thin coating of rot that often gave way to bone. In a quieter time I might have wondered what gave these individuals the ability to even move if the very muscles were sliding from tendons and ghastly colored ivory. Now was not a quiet moment though, even as she fell beneath the strength of gold I strained with the effort it took to control such magic. My breath came in quick gasps, it was much harder to build such links, and moving them took less strength—but no power came without a heavy price.

Again the beast cried out, this time in shock and defiance instead of wounded dignity or pride. The yell fell like a muted cry upon my ears that had already jutted back in preparation for the shrieks to follow—backwards I strolled, back into the depths of warmth and protection. Dragging death itself with me in tow; the ride to yon bottom wouldn’t be a comfortable one to say the least. At least with all focus on the pain of our bumpy ride she’d not get the opportunity to do anything else hazardous.

Hooves clipped along the slippery path and into the center room. Various eyes would be watching as I dragged yet another to meet salvation by force. Robbed of choice the half dead lass would be treated to more backwards dragging as we traveled to the fountain room that lay nearby. Those familiar trickling sounds greeted me like a quiet symphony of spring, I’m sure they were less comforting to those that were forced with.

“Bathtime,” I rasped humorlessly, a rather uncharacteristic grunt emerged over those final few steps. She was bulky and not exactly a featherlight creature—heaving with a final gasp I carried the chains and their captive above fountains ledge and into the cresting pool of clear water.

I'm waking up to ash and dust

[Image: 5388c9b80fe59]

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RE: deeds dark and hollows deep; [healing] - by Midas - 02-19-2014, 01:36 PM

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