the Rift

[OPEN] The Clutch of Winter (Welcoming, Aeryc)

Aeryc Posts: N/A
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Vulture-like wings beat feverishly against the strong grip of the Winter, willing it away from his form with every stroke. His heart beat fast, more out of effort than anything else. Amethyst pools strained to see beyond the wind and ice, attempting to keep a clear line of sight on the man leading him out of this icy hell. He had placed his life in the hands of a stranger, and he wholeheartedly hoped that the stranger knew where he was going. It was hard to imagine how he could know for sure, given the sheer battering force of the wind and the low visibility, but his trust had been placed in Hawkeye and he would not retract it just yet. The man had told him quite plainly to keep pace, and Aeryc liked to think he was doing a decent enough job, he only wished he knew what he was looking for. Where was this shelter from such a large and powerful storm? Where could they flee that the storm would not come knocking?

Moisture clung in large droplets to his feathers and bodice, lining his underside with a thin layer of ice. He fought it off when possible, thrashing his legs to keep it from freezing, beating his wings to keep it at bay - but no man could truly defeat such an onslaught. He had taken to short, rhythmic beats of his wings rather than long, fully extended glides as the wind could not be trusted to carry him in the proper direction. Jaws chattered in their velvet sheaths, tired from the overuse. Hawkeye would make a sudden dive for land, and all too eagerly Aeryc would follow. Wings clung close to him, angling ever so slightly to carry him rapidly downward. Hooves curled up near his waist, preparing for the impact of landing. In the last moments, vulturic wings would beat once, twice, thrice as he landed upon the terrain.

Violently he would shake, mirroring his companion in attempt to rid the ice clinging so desperately to his feathers. Finally his great wings would curl tightly to his sides which still heaved from the journey. Flight was not an overwhelming activity for him, but flight during such a storm was a much different story. Hooves clicked audibly as he moved toward Hawkeye. “I must admit I nearly lost faith in you up there,” he noted, timbre full of near-exhaustion. “What is this place?” Curiosity brimmed in his features as he took in the sights and sounds of this 'shelter'.


Notes | --
Words | 422
Tags | @[Hawkeye]

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RE: The Clutch of Winter (Welcoming, Aeryc) - by Aeryc - 03-01-2014, 02:21 PM

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