the Rift

[PRIVATE] Who's the fairest of them all? {Voodoo}

Sheba Posts: 114
Outcast atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3
Mare :: Unicorn :: 15 hh :: 13 :: Frostfall HP: 61 | Buff: NOVICE
Minou :: Ocelot :: Sing Shady

“She’s my companion,” he replies incredulously, and with that tone, his next question hardly surprises you. “Are you new to Helovia?” You nod, not sure whether you are irritated that he can tell, or delighted with the chance that he finds you foreign and exotic. “I’m Sheba,” you purr with a slight accent, aiming for the exotic angle. “And no, I’m not from around here.”

The boy continues, explaining what companions are, and you tilt your ears forward, interested. But what do these companions do? you wonder, eyeing his fox. To you, it seems like senseless work to be chasing after a pet, as this one had been when he found you. Is it really worth all the trouble? This little thing was almost as bad as having a foal at foot. At least he probably didn’t have to feed it, and it wasn’t always asking tiresome questions. But still, you muse, why take on the responsibility? Was the boy lonely?

As the creature frolics at his heels, the youngling informs you that there is magic here—and so much of it, that he can’t even begin to explain it to you. You snort. Try me. You are curious about this magic as well, but that can wait. His mention of it has reminded you of this enchanted clearing and of the treasure you seek. “It all sounds very…fascinating,” you begin, “I consider myself lucky indeed to have come across you. As you guessed, I am new here, and you have made a useful guide already, even in this short time…” You pause, unsure of what to call him. “I’m sorry, monsieur, I don’t know your name. But you have been very helpful. And—” You gesture to the pool, with the ruby rocks at the bottom, “And I was wondering, if you could assist me with something else?”

OOC: no worries, I’ve had quite a busy week and hadn’t been able to get to any replies until last night anyway!

Please tag Sheba in all posts!

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RE: Who's the fairest of them all? {Voodoo} - by Sheba - 03-19-2014, 01:24 PM

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