the Rift

[OPEN] Hunger

Mermaid Posts: 47
Hidden Account
Mare :: Equine :: 15.2hh :: 9 Years Buff: NOVICE


I am not stupid, really I’m not! Just easily distracted and this time it cost me a bit more than it usually does. The grouchy, imperious response was an attempt to cover for my own feelings of foolishness. I know better, of course I do, I should not have done it but I did and here we are…

At least I am alive to suffer the consequences, that can be looked at in a positive light. I might even do that, sometime after it is over. Right now I almost wish I had died. I have been acting like an empty headed bimbo pretty much since I set foot in this place and making bad impressions around every turn. With the possible exceptions of Elsiyum, Lena, Asch and Nasreen everyone who knows my name, and a few who do not, likely think me an eccentric old lady or a complete idiot. I suppose I don’t mind the eccentric part…

There I go getting distracted again. If this is how I was back in Avenion I guess I really should not be surprised that she tossed me out. No, wait… that is not the reason.

All of a sudden I find I know what I had thought would be an impossible answer to find. I had, quite unwittingly at the time, set myself up as competition for her. Siding with her son against her daughter as I did, presenting myself as a mother figure to the boy who had left home. I could favor him, could show my love openly in a way she would likely never be able to. What must she, as a mother, have been feeling seeing her two children arrayed against each other in a war that might destroy her very world in the end. That world was her child too in it’s own way. She, responsible deity that she was, could not take out her wrath on any of her children for many reasons. Lucian would not have missed me too terribly after a while…

I am sorry Lady, sorry for everything I did… everything we all did to you… though it is too late now, for me at least.

“You might as well appeal to the river...”

His voice is rough, thin and droning… like an old lecturer grown tired of voicing the same cautions to heedless young apprentices over and over. But it breaks me out of the shock induced wandering within my own mind and memories. Were I capable of laughing right now I certainly would be. My breath has begun to come haltingly however and I do not want to further tax my lungs with such laughter. Naturally it is not his fault, I am only glad that he is still there. He could so easily have walked away from me and my problems. Little do I know the stress he suffered at witnessing my predicament, little do I know how truly kind hearted a creature I have found.

“Th-th-th-a-n-k y-y-y-o-u…”

The words come out through chattering teeth as I move stiffly around to face him completely. Yes, thank you for not abandoning me to my idiocy. Am I injured? I hope not, but I really can not tell for sure just now, I am too cold.

“D-d-d-o-n-’t kn-n-n-o-w… t-t-t-o-o-o c-c-c-o-l-d...”

I shuffle nearer to him through the snow hoping he might give me what I had originally demanded if I do not continue pressing those demands. At the very least moving will be better than standing still I imagine.


OOC: I am not sure how best to manifest her seven points of damage, feel free to help me decide... :)
[Image: 52ebd2e176c2b]
[Image: 525f791c057b6]HP: 60/60
"she came from the sea..."
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Messages In This Thread
Hunger - by Ruske - 03-27-2014, 07:56 PM
RE: Hunger - by Mermaid - 03-29-2014, 12:02 AM
RE: Hunger - by Ruske - 03-29-2014, 01:06 AM
RE: Hunger - by Mermaid - 03-29-2014, 02:00 PM
RE: Hunger - by Ruske - 03-29-2014, 05:55 PM
RE: Hunger - by Mermaid - 04-06-2014, 02:35 PM
RE: Hunger - by Ruske - 04-06-2014, 10:40 PM
RE: Hunger - by Mermaid - 04-07-2014, 12:12 AM
RE: Hunger - by Ruske - 04-07-2014, 06:56 PM

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