the Rift

Fraub's Tracker

Fraub Posts: N/A
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birdsong; year four

Successfully completed his threshold acceptance with Elsa. The horse and the mouse
players Elsa, Illynx | decided to go with Elsa because of Illynx's racism.

Finished his welcoming into the Hidden Falls We're all mad
players Fraub, Elsa, Argona, Amani, Ciceron | Became a Hidden Falls Artisian I

Exploring the deep forest Curiosity killed the cat
players Mermaid, Ghost, Abisha

Hidden falls curiosity let me see your phonebook, or is that "hidden" too?
players Aurelia, Abishia, Delinne, Circuta, Eris, Ciceron | chaos erupted from those who threatened the trespasser which resulted in a variety of injuries.

Thistle Meadows encounter honey, i'm home
players Antiope

Healing oh the river, oh the river
players Circuta

tallsun; year four

Handling the hooligans Garden Secrets
players Adelric, Zunden, Kiara

Visiting the Sun God He is a pretty boy who knows he's pretty and assumes everyone else knows it too [SUN]
players The Sun God

Leaving the Falls To leave, after all, is not the same as being left
players Elsa | Fraub has to leave the falls in order to fulfill a quest.

Silly accident making my way downtown
players bellona

Messages In This Thread
Fraub's Tracker - by Fraub - 04-05-2014, 11:13 AM
RE: Fraub's Tracker - by Fraub - 04-05-2014, 11:15 AM
RE: Fraub's Tracker - by Fraub - 05-10-2014, 12:14 PM
RE: Fraub's Tracker - by Fraub - 06-07-2014, 10:01 PM
RE: Fraub's Tracker - by Fraub - 07-07-2014, 02:13 PM

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