the Rift

Just Taking a Stroll [Charks - FOAL STATS PLEASE]

Solstice Posts: 93
Mare :: Equine :: 15 hh :: 8 (at time of death)
Ears flickered back and forth as the sound of another close by was heard. Her body tensed at first, a warrior's reaction. However at the sight of a pegasus stallion, a handsome one at that, Solstice relaxed slightly. Her ears flickered forward to listen as he spoke. It was to cold... oh the come backs she could make... but instead she decided to flirt slightly. "Then maybe you should come and keep a lady warm" Oh how wrong it felt inside to flirt with anyone other than Ata. But at least even if he did not return, they both had left a legacy. Aaron was a fine son.... but Solstice wanted a legacy all her own.

Her neck arched slightly as she realize how close he was to her. His pale form was so much different than her lover's had been. Instead of ebony there was ivory, pale and gleeming in the light. Ata had not born wings.... while the male before her was clearly a Pegasus. Ricochet would dislike her even more if the child came out a winged one..... but honestly Solstice didn't care who thought what about her anymore. She was her own mare, in a new land.... A fresh start.... What better way than to bring a new life into the world... Slowly she to stepped forward, waiting to see the steed's reaction. Would he be her knight in shinning armor, if for no longer than one night?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Just Taking a Stroll [Charks] - by Shamsiel - 09-06-2012, 03:00 AM
RE: Just Taking a Stroll [Charks] - by Solstice - 09-08-2012, 05:49 PM
RE: Just Taking a Stroll [Charks] - by Shamsiel - 09-10-2012, 02:51 AM
RE: Just Taking a Stroll [Charks] - by Solstice - 09-11-2012, 02:55 PM

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