the Rift

[PRIVATE] pull me down hard and drown me in love | Rostislav

Rostislav Posts: 245
Hidden Account atk: 4.5 | def: 7.5 | dam: 7
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 15.1hh :: 7 (Frostfall) HP: 69.5 | Buff: ENDURE
Damaris :: Common Hellhound :: Acid Lauren

Delinne, the pretty dark mare before me with complementing white tons, is friendly and open. And the jaguar with the deer, Dezba.... She also seems friendly. She brings the deer forward, and tears pieces out of it, some for herself, but it seems she also wants to share with Damaris. A hunk of the deer tossed at my bonded. The pup jumps out of the way, then dives in with bright eyes, her tail wagging eagerly as her increasingly acidic saliva drips onto the meat. I nudge the puppy with my nose, reminding her to be thankful for the jaguar's generosity. Damaris looks at me, then at Dezba and woofs her appreciation. Cats and dogs don't often chat, but I hope that Dezba can understand my hellhound's gratitude.

I turn my attention back to the mare. 'Have we met before?' I think back. Of course I recognize her, but I'm not sure I was ever introduced to her. "Well, most recently, we were at the herd meeting together, when Midas and Seele first called us together." Not that I remember that very well. I don't do well in group gatherings. I'm not the most sociable and I tend to fall back into the shadows rather than chatting everyone up. I'm sure she was there, and I think I saw her, but that's about as much as I can say on the matter. I didn't really speak up.. I only showed up. Kind of lousy participation score, isn't it? Oh well. I'm sure there were plenty others who did not talk either. "But before that, I think you were present when I first arrived at the caves. I inadvertently caused a little scene." I chuckle and swivel my ears back at the memory, then forward again as I listen to Dezba and Damaris eat their meal. "Confutatis came and attempted to recruit me to her.. whatever she was recruiting for. You were displeased." I snort at the understatement. Many horses were displeased at that gathering, myself included. I did not like being treated like a peasant or like something to be debated over. And certainly I felt like my very introduction to Helovia had been upstaged. Talk about rude! I'm not one for the spotlight, and normally I don't mind falling quiet in a conversation, but that was just ridiculous. Everyone and their uncles were coming to that, it seemed like. HMPH! My annoyance at the memory shows in the wrinkles around my lips and by my ears that are pinned against my skull. I may not even be fully aware that I'm giving off these bodily signs. Damaris sends waves of calm toward me, and I realize that I must be agitating her with my mood. After a moment, I calm myself and my body posture relaxes. I am not displeased with Delinne, and I hope that she knows that. Only miffed at the experience I had before.

Text text text.
"Words words words."

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*You may do anything you wish with Rostislav excluding dismemberment and death.

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RE: pull me down hard and drown me in love | Rostislav - by Rostislav - 05-02-2014, 01:45 AM

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