the Rift

[OPEN] See without seeing; Hear without hearing

Andromeda Posts: 91
Dragon's Throat Healer
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16.1hh :: 5 (Tallsun) Buff: NOVICE

daughter of the stars

Dalibor is indeed silent as I am, though less so. He mistakes my nicker as a request for his attention, when I really wanted to direct him forward. Of course, that's the type of risk you run when you don't want to talk to anyone. We walk forward a few paces, for our patrol - though from what I observed on my way in there seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary. Then again, I had no desire to look too closely. I wonder if Dalibor feels the same way.

A chestnut and ivory painted filly comes stumbling in, like a drunken fool. She barrels into Dalibor next to me. Intentionally or accidentally I have no idea. I try to take a step back, but it doesn't do me any good as the younger one slams into me, too. I grunt and take a few steps back to steady myself, tossing my head up in the air as the steadiness of the moment - and my steadiness on my feet - is disturbed. How rude.... I settle myself again and take a good look at this newcomer. She seems younger than me, and clearly more hot-tempered as she quickly lashes out, fork-tongued, at the roan stallion next to me. I listen with one ear while I pin the other back. What is this hostile attitude that seems to come from nowhere? I stomp a hoof and snort in annoyance. Besides her greeting to him, she nearly ignores Dalibor. Instead, she's talking to me. Though I'm loathe to speak out loud to someone so aggressive, it's clearly necessary. "We are.. of the same herd and.. exploring." It occurs to me that maybe I shouldn't announce that we are patrolling for Ampere and Africa. Maybe that is something only herd members are privy to, and as far as I know (though I know little of the matter), this filly is not of the herd. "There is no reason for such agitation, is there?" That's right Andromeda, keep the peace. Keeep the peace.

Walk walk. Talk talk.

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*You may do anything you wish with Andromeda excluding dismemberment and death.

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RE: See without seeing; Hear without hearing - by Andromeda - 05-14-2014, 12:03 AM

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