the Rift

[PRIVATE] Darkravun [Isopia Wit Contest for God's Blood]

Isopia the Mountain That Knows Posts: 780
Dragon's Throat Apostle atk: 6.5 | def: 10 | dam: 8.0
Mare :: Tribrid :: 18hh :: 3 - is now aging slowly HP: 90 | Buff: NUMB
Hubris :: Royal Bronze Dragon :: Shock Breath & Frost Breath & Babel :: Royal Gold Dragon :: Fire Breath Odd

Were Isopia to hear Knox's thoughts, she might have smiled slyly.
Foolish, no... Merely showing you how much there is about me that you do not know.

Perhaps you are the fool, for underestimating me so quickly.

But she didn't, and so these thoughts remained silently locked inside of her brain, unthought.

Hubris gushes - or as much as a reptile can gush - at Roanne's wink. The dragon cannot wink yet, but tries just the same. Instead of blinking one eye, sparks fall from his snout, and he sneezes.

Isopia however, has eyes only for the vial. It stirs inside of her some haphazard anxiety, a whirlwind of need. But she knows that showing her urgency would be foolish, and so she lets the sentinel drop it before her and stands solidly. Briefly she considers asking him questions - how did you come by this?, who are you?, but it all seems so unimportant.  He has shown her his mind, and that is all she really needs to know.

"Until we meet again." She says, two parts prophecy, one part ominous promise. In fact, she does hope that they meet again, but with all others, she is in no real rush. Isopia does not need others in her life, and finds it only happenstance when they prove to be useful or nice to be around.

For a moment her mind shudders to Volterra, the root of all of her problems. Had he ever been nice to be around, really? She had wanted him, from their second or third encounter (she remembered vividly the way her body had dropped onto his after the fire, and she had felt nothing), and that want had consumed her. But had her mind ever wanted him?

She looked at Roanne and realized that she did want to linger longer, but couldn't. She needed to take care of the blood, the baby.

With a final sweeping nod of her quad horned skull, the demigoddess turned and began to slowly disappear into the thick foliage. With a happy trill and a wave of his tail, Hubris grabbed the blood and disappeared after his bonded.

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Abandon all hope, ye who enter here

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RE: Darkravun [Isopia Wit Contest for God's Blood] - by Isopia - 05-02-2016, 11:08 AM

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