the Rift

You wanna teach me to dance? [Blu, open]

Ahriman Posts: N/A
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silver's meant to burn forever

The handsome yearling flicked his paperthin lobes in skepticism, as he stepped cautiously across the soggy marsh. Even though the sight of the treacherous swamp made his stomach churn, it also sparked curiosity in the depths of his mind. With a glance, the blank surface of the water seemed so peaceful, a special kind of decaying beauty, but thinking about what might lurk below sent chills through him. Pristine white locks fell in silky curls down his long, slender nape, his entire figure seemingly glowing bright white in the gloomy light that was so characteristic of the area. Lowering his maw to the water, he inhaled the smell of the rotting waters and grimaced in disgust. He thought about turning around, heading back to safety and the familiar, but instead, he stepped forward and slowly worked his way deeper into the marsh.


Messages In This Thread
You wanna teach me to dance? [Blu, open] - by Ahriman - 12-03-2012, 01:49 PM
RE: You wanna teach me to dance? [Blu, open] - by Ahriman - 12-03-2012, 02:36 PM
RE: You wanna teach me to dance? [Blu, open] - by Ahriman - 12-04-2012, 04:07 PM
RE: You wanna teach me to dance? [Blu, open] - by Ahriman - 12-08-2012, 07:23 PM

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