the Rift


Cheyenne Posts: N/A
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new dawn, new day</style>
She had been walking for days.

Or, at least, it felt like days. She wasn't so sure anymore. The sun had refused to rise in this land, as if the shadows had stolen it away and the moon, with it's wide Cheshire grin, had proclaimed the sky it's new throne. Yet the young horse continued to walk, her mind confused and eyes weary, wondering if, perhaps, this was a dream. Maybe she had fallen long before, and was stuck in an endless limbo of darkness and shadow as punishment for her crimes? Or maybe time itself had stopped. By the way the moon shifted and changed from wide full moon to a half crescent spoke otherwise, however.

Her legs were tired and shook with each step. How long had she travelled without rest? With a groan, she found her steps were slowing and her slender trunks refused to move, preferring instead to settle like shaking saplings, planted in the dirt. Taking her body's protests to heart, the youngster slowed to a halt and collapsed into the dirt, closing her yellow eyes and surcoming to sleep.

Hours passed, and the fillies sleep was undisturbed and empty - as black as the world of the living had been in her waking hours. Faces shifted past her eyes, though she paid them no need. They were ghosts of her past, and she had no reason to remember them. She was not going back. Not so she could be paraded around as one of the seven sisters, to be admired but not listened to, to be a perfect daughter who only spoke when spoken to and never put a hoof out of place. She was sick of being controlled and she was sick of being worthless.

She wanted to make a name for herself, forge her own path.

Yellow eyes opened slowly and she groaned as the ache in her muscles creaked. Why had she woken? She still felt so weary. Moving her head up, her skull throbbing as if her brain was rattling loose within, she looked up toward the canopy. Branches blocked the sky, yet through the thick foliage she saw it. Light. It started small, just a tiny sliver of light penetrating the thick branches. At first she thought it fireflies or fire light, yet as she watched it began to brighten. A thin pillar broke through the canopy, causing the filly to squint. It burnt her retinas, steering her delicate vision, yet she felt herself smiling. It had been a dream after all, this seemingly endless night. She had been stupid to even think the sun would not rise. Yawning, she forced herself to stand, legs still quivering like delicate twigs. It was time to rise, and time to find out where the hell she had ended up.

It was a new day. A new start. And she was determined to better herself.

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Messages In This Thread
Daybreak - by Cheyenne - 09-21-2013, 11:00 AM
RE: Daybreak - by Alleo - 09-21-2013, 12:50 PM
RE: Daybreak - by Cheyenne - 09-21-2013, 03:05 PM
RE: Daybreak - by Cheyenne - 09-21-2013, 05:09 PM
RE: Daybreak - by Cheyenne - 09-21-2013, 05:50 PM
RE: Daybreak - by Alleo - 09-21-2013, 04:48 PM
RE: Daybreak - by Alleo - 09-21-2013, 05:37 PM

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