the Rift

Painted Flowers :: Alysanne

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pulvinar enim eu tellus malesuada adipiscing. Nullam et metus ligula, nec tempor ante. Etiam consequat tempor odio eu lobortis. Quisque ac pulvinar ligula. Proin eget lectus dolor. Phasellus pulvinar dictum laoreet. Ut in felis enim, mollis hendrerit ligula. Curabitur ut purus in ligula commodo iaculis. Donec suscipit diam quis tortor consequat pharetra. Nam cursus lectus non leo suscipit hendrerit aliquet nunc adipiscing. Nullam tristique lacus convallis turpis vehicula ac pulvinar dui congue.Aenean dapibus est quis sem convallis rutrum. Duis velit nisi, mattis ut posuere pellentesque, faucibus ac mauris. Nullam vitae elit nec libero semper aliquam sit amet quis lacus. Nullam eleifend pharetra purus, a ultrices purus dictum at. Duis ut felis turpis. Fusce at felis id mi elementum blandit. Fusce imperdiet hendrerit sem eget tincidunt. Duis ac sapien dolor.

Pellentesque tincidunt purus quis libero bibendum egestas. Curabitur tortor diam, tempor sit amet volutpat vitae, vehicula eget metus. Maecenas pellentesque luctus molestie. In id iaculis nibh. Etiam rhoncus nisl sit amet libero auctor malesuada. Aliquam id urna purus. Praesent sit amet lacus ut sem faucibus congue posuere non mauris. Aliquam adipiscing sem ut ipsum mollis mollis. Nunc at magna ut nibh auctor faucibus. In id nisi sem, eget dictum elit. Nullam dolor magna, condimentum ut elementum nec, aliquam eget erat. Morbi mattis, magna in mollis interdum, ligula est rhoncus neque, nec fringilla risus lacus eu mi. Etiam lorem libero, consequat in facilisis sed, euismod vel nunc. Pellentesque eget est metus, eget faucibus justo. Fusce tincidunt, velit at varius viverra, sem justo malesuada lacus, sit amet commodo enim lorem quis ipsum. Donec vitae justo arcu, non posuere felis.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Vestibulum dictum facilisis tristique. In aliquet faucibus eros vel rhoncus. Sed pulvinar urna et ligula pellentesque adipiscing. Suspendisse mattis leo vitae sapien ornare feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras sit amet velit enim, non volutpat augue. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc ac purus purus.Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam eget magna vel urna sagittis semper eu ac tortor. Vestibulum iaculis leo in sapien commodo nec feugiat lacus feugiat. Aenean varius felis vel enim facilisis tincidunt. Praesent a suscipit ipsum. Maecenas lacinia malesuada tortor, eleifend adipiscing ante cursus eget. Duis scelerisque magna in mi placerat eu pretium magna dictum. Fusce nec elit tellus. Donec molestie lacinia ligula, id ultrices lacus porttitor nec. Morbi et ligula ut nunc lacinia pharetra eu vitae erat. Aenean rhoncus egestas lacus, vitae viverra leo vulputate eu. Nunc est nisl, mattis et tincidunt sit amet, tempor et sem. Proin in mauris et ipsum semper fringilla. Donec condimentum tristique mattis. Etiam ullamcorper semper est vitae suscipit.

A L Y S A N N E the devoted queen
I O N A the specter
image credit

<center><table bgcolor=black style="border-color: black; border-width: 4px; border-style: solid;" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=650><tr><td><img src=""><center><table bgcolor=785d66 style="border-color: black; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: -30px;" cellspacing=20 cellpadding=20 width=650><tr><td> <font face=times new roman color=4a2f38><font style=font-size:10pt;line-height:11pt;letter-spacing:1px><center><font style=letter-spacing:3px;font style=font-size:10pt;><font color=black face=times new roman><b>"I'LL BE THERE FOR YOU THROUGH IT ALL,
EVEN IF SAVING YOU SENDS ME TO HEAVEN."</b></font></font></center>
<p align=justify>words go here

<font style=letter-spacing:3px><font color=000000><b> A L Y S A N N E</b> <font color=3b2029>the devoted queen</font>  <br><i>and</i> <Br> <b>I O N A </b><font color=3b2029>the specter</font>
</table></table></center></center><center><a href="">image credit</a> </center></center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah

words will go here “chat chat"

And if I fall and crash and burn
at least we both know that I tried

image by Danjah

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><center><img src=></center><center><table bgcolor=809580 style="border-color:#000000; border-width: 7px; border-style: solid; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: -5px"" cellspacing=20 cellpadding=20 width=660><tr><td>
<p align=justify><font color=000000 face=times size=2>words will go here <font color=d3dcdc>“chat chat"</font>


<div style="font-family: 'Courgette', cursive; font-size: 14px; color: #627063; line-height: 85%; text-align: center;">And if I fall and crash and burn
at least we both know that I tried</div></tr></td></table></center>
<center>image by Danjah</center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah
Words go here yay!

If you could only understand—through my heart and through my veins
I gave it all,
I'll give again.

image | coding

<center><table width="750px" height ="300px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td style="background: #0e0b10; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat; border: 3px solid #0e0b10;"><table align="center" width="550" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><center><div style="padding-top: 445px;"></div><div style="width: 525px; border-left: 2px solid #23231f; padding-right: 100px;"><div style="width: 525px; border-left: 4px solid #252c2b; padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 100px; text-align: justify; color:#686860; font-family: times; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; line-height: 110%;">
Words go here yay!

</div></div><div style="width: 750px; height: 82px; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat;"><div style="padding-top: 70px; padding-right: 50px; font-family: times; font-size: 11px; text-align: right; color: #435654; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000000; letter-spacing: 4px; line-height: 100%;">If you could only understand—through my heart and through my veins</div></div><div style="padding-top: 1px; padding-right: 155px; font-family: times; font-size: 12px; text-align: right; color: #435654; letter-spacing: 6px; line-height: 100%; font-style: italic;">I gave it all,</div><div style="padding-bottom: 10px; padding-right: 110px; font-family: times; font-size: 14px; text-align: right; color: #435654; letter-spacing: 4px; line-height: 100%;">I'll give again.</div></center></tr></table></center>
[url=]image[/url] | [url=]coding[/url]</center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah
Words go here yay!

If you could only understand—through my heart and through my veins
I gave it all,
I'll give again.

image | coding

<center><table width="650px" height ="300px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td style="background: #0a090f; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat; border: 3px solid #0a090f; border-radius: 350px 350px 0px 0px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #000000;"><table align="center" width="550" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><center><div style="padding-top: 690px; padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 45px; padding-right: 45px; text-align: justify; color:#4d5552; font-family: times; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; line-height: 105%;">
Words go here yay!

</div><div style="width: 650px; height: 66px; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat;"></div><div style="font-family: times; font-size: 11px; text-align: center; color: #2e4852; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000000; letter-spacing: 4px; line-height: 100%;">If you could only understand—through my heart and through my veins</div><div style="padding-top: 1px; padding-left: 200px; font-family: times; font-size: 12px; text-align: left; color: #2e4852; letter-spacing: 6px; line-height: 100%; font-style: italic;">I gave it all,</div><div style="padding-bottom: 10px; padding-right: 190px; font-family: times; font-size: 14px; text-align: right; color: #2e4852; letter-spacing: 4px; line-height: 100%;">I'll give again.</div></center></tr></table></center>
[url=]image[/url] | [url=]coding[/url]</center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah
Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.

Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.

Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.

Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.

Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.


image | coding

<center><table width="600px" height ="300px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td style="background: #090a0f; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat; border: 3px solid #090a0f; box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px #000000;"><table align="center" width="550" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><center><div style="width: 375px; height: 595px; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat; float: right;"></div><div style="padding-top: 100px; padding-bottom: 35px; padding-left: 45px; padding-right: 45px; text-align: justify; color:#eae6d9; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #000000; font-family: times; font-size: 13px; letter-spacing: 1px; line-height: 105%;">
Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.

Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.

Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.

Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.

Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah. Words! Pretty words, posty posty posty. Text here. Text here. Woo hoo. La da da da blah blah blah.

</div><div style="font-family: times; font-size: 11px; text-align: center; color: #555a49; text-shadow: 0px 0px 8px #000000; letter-spacing: 8px; line-height: 100%; text-transform: uppercase;">the</div><div style="padding-bottom: 5px; font-family: times; font-size: 25px; text-align: center; color: #555a49; text-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000000; letter-spacing: 24px; line-height: 100%; text-transform: uppercase;">devoted</div></center></tr></table></center>
[url=]image[/url] | [url=]coding[/url]</center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah

purple purple purple “chat chat"

art by imi

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><center><img src=></center>
<br><center><table bgcolor=9182a3 style="border-color:#d7d7d7; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: -0px"" cellspacing=20 cellpadding=20 width=650><tr><td><p align=justify><font color=e6e0e3 face=times size=2>purple purple purple <font color=44363d>“chat chat"</font>

<center>art by imi</center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah
post post post "chat chat chat"

alysanne the devoted
art by reli

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<center><img src=></center><center><table width="600" bgcolor="c78b2c" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><tr><td><center><table width="580" bgcolor="c99f5d" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><center><table width="560" bgcolor="cab086" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
<font face="times" size="2" color="f2eee7"><div align="justify"><font face="times">post post post <font color=22201b>"chat chat chat"</font>
<div align=center style="position:relative; left:160px; top:30px; font-family:'La Belle Aurore'; font-size:26px; color:#f2eee7">alysanne the devoted</div></td></tr></table></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr></table></center><center>[url=]art by reli[/url]</center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah



<center><link href="|Raleway" rel="stylesheet">
<div style="width:474px; padding:2px; background:#FFFFFF; border: 5px solid #213435;"><div style="width:470px; background:#FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #BCDEA5;"><div style="width:462px; height:515px; background:url('') top center no-repeat; margin-top:5px;"></div><div style="width:306px; margin-top:-475px; margin-left:-250px; text-align:center; font-family: 'Amatic SC', cursive; font-size:55px; color:#375348; text-shadow:0px 0px 10px #E1E3AC;">Alysanne</div><div style="padding:410px 50px 15px; font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif; font-size:8.5pt; color:#648A64; text-align:justify;">

<font color=#BCDEA5 >"Talk."</font>

<small><a href="">image</a></small></center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Sarah Posts: 7
Junior Administrator
Mare :: Equine :: 5'6'' :: 26
i lit a flame in my heart to guide you home
Lorem ipsum... "Morbi sagittis."
image credits | coding by Neo

<div style="width: 750px; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px auto; border-width: 0px 20px 0px 20px; border-style: solid; border-color: #0e0506; background: url('') top center no-repeat #f8f5d4; padding: 590px 75px 15px 75px; text-align: justify; font-family: times; font-size: 10pt; color: #1a0e0f;"><div style="text-align: center; font-size: 14pt; letter-spacing: 2px; font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps;">i lit a flame in my heart to guide you home</div><div style="background: rgba(26, 14, 15, 0.3); border-radius: 10px; border: 1px solid #000; padding: 10px 25px; text-shadow: 0px 0px 6px #babab6;">Lorem ipsum... <font color="#e8e8e8">"Morbi sagittis."</font>
</div></div><center>[url=]image credits[/url] | coding by Neo</center>

Sarah Posts: 7
Junior Administrator
Mare :: Equine :: 5'6'' :: 26

i lit a flame in my heart to guide you home
Lorem ipsum... "Curabitur tempus."
image credits | coding by Neo

<div style="width: 750px; margin: 0px auto; box-sizing: border-box; background-color: #493b42; font-family: times; font-size: 10pt; color: #9c8b93; text-align: justify;"><img src="" />
<div style="background-color: #2b1f25; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13pt; color: #191216; line-height: 45px;">i lit a flame in my heart to guide you home</div>
<div style="padding: 25px 125px;">Lorem ipsum... <font color="#2b1f25">"Curabitur tempus."</font>
</div></div><center>[url=]image credits[/url] | coding by Neo</center>

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah

it is the rain that will strengthen your soul
Neo's the best I love her so much "Curabitur tempus."
image credits | coding by Neo

<div style="width: 750px; margin: 0px auto; box-sizing: border-box; background-color: #493b42; font-family: times; font-size: 10pt; color: #9c8b93; text-align: justify;"><img src="" />
<div style="background-color: #2b1f25; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; letter-spacing: 2px; font-size: 13pt; color: #191216; line-height: 45px;">it is the rain that will strengthen your soul</div>
<div style="padding: 25px 125px;">Lorem ipsum... <font color="#2b1f25">"Curabitur tempus."</font>
</div></div><center>[url=]image credits[/url] | coding by Neo</center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah

idk what to do with this table “chat chat"

Alysanne the Devoted

art by MBPanther

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><center><img src=></center><center><table bgcolor=2f2d2d style="border-color:#d7d7d7; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: -50px"" cellspacing=20 cellpadding=20 width=600><tr><td><p align=justify><font color=dbdbdb face=times size=2>idk what to do with this table <font color=2f9400>“chat chat"</font>


<div style="font-family: 'Great Vibes', cursive; font-size: 30px; color: #ffffff; line-height: 65%; text-align: center;">Alysanne the Devoted</div></tr></td></table></center>
<center><a href="">art by MBPanther</a></center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah


the worlds edge
devoted queen
image | coding by Smitty

<center><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div style="width:575px; background:#dbd5b6; border:2px solid #5E5F56;"><div style="width:575px; height:575px; background:url('') bottom center no-repeat;"></div><div style="margin-top:-50px; width:400px; font-family: georgia; color:#77786F; font-size:12px; text-align:justify;">

<font color=#afa98e >“Talk.”</font>

</div><div style="font-family: 'Simonetta', cursive; color:#2B2C23; font-variant:small-caps; letter-spacing:2px; font-size:45px; text-align:center;">the worlds edge</div><div style="margin-top: -20px; padding-bottom:5px; font-family: 'Simonetta', cursive; color:#5E5F56; font-variant:small-caps; letter-spacing:2px; font-size:20px; text-align:center;">devoted queen</div></div>
<small><a href=>image</a> | coding by Smitty</small></center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah
the worlds edge


Alysanne the Devoted
image | coding by Smitty

<center><link href="" rel="stylesheet"><div style="width:575px; background:#040402; border:2px solid #10110c;"><div style="width:575px; height:431px; background:url('') top center no-repeat;"></div><div style="margin-top:-60px; font-family: 'Simonetta', cursive; color:#231E19; font-variant:small-caps; letter-spacing:2px; font-size:55px; text-align:center;">the worlds edge</div><div style="padding:10px 0px 15px 0px; width:400px; font-family: georgia; color:#785C44; font-size:12px; text-align:justify;">

<font color=#BD9572>“Talk.”</font>

</div><div style="padding-bottom:2px; font-family: 'Simonetta', cursive; color:#3c3732; font-variant:small-caps; letter-spacing:2px; font-size:22px; text-align:center;">Alysanne the Devoted</div></div>
<small><a href=>image</a></small> | coding by Smitty</center>
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[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah

words go here

I O N A  &  A L Y S A N N E
1 2

<center><table bgcolor=595959 style="border-color: #000000; border-width: 10px; border-style: solid; margin-bottom:0px; margin-top: -120px" cellspacing=35 cellpadding=35 width=550><img src=""><tr><td><p align=justify><font face=georgia><font color=000000><font style=font-size:9pt;line-height:12pt;letter-spacing:1px><BR><p align=justify>words go here

<center><font style=letter-spacing:4px><font color=000000><BR><b>I O N A  </B><I>&</I><B>  A L Y S A N N E</b></font></font></center></table></align></center><center><a href="">1</a> <A HREF="">2</A></center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Sarah Posts: 7
Junior Administrator
Mare :: Equine :: 5'6'' :: 26
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla a elit quis justo luctus auctor. Etiam magna elit, ullamcorper sit amet turpis ac, tempor posuere urna. Aenean sed malesuada felis, non tristique dui. Quisque sagittis mauris diam, et sollicitudin diam placerat sit amet. Cras cursus nisl eu dolor vestibulum dictum. Nullam blandit quis sapien ut auctor. Quisque quis neque ornare, sagittis diam ac, scelerisque metus. Phasellus aliquet mauris non turpis sodales, bibendum placerat libero fermentum. Vestibulum ac diam pellentesque nunc sollicitudin tempus ac at purus. Integer varius vel turpis eu laoreet. Donec iaculis, est posuere vestibulum pretium, nibh nulla porta nunc, quis laoreet dui dolor eget ipsum. Mauris feugiat vestibulum odio non porttitor.

Proin luctus tempus orci sit amet mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis mollis metus id augue tincidunt vehicula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam luctus nisi nec lorem dignissim, nec condimentum eros bibendum. Ut vestibulum orci ac volutpat aliquet. Morbi sed tellus a metus rhoncus consequat. Maecenas tincidunt iaculis ullamcorper. Mauris mattis risus nec rutrum dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer pharetra dui quis odio gravida euismod.

Aliquam at tellus nisi. Nullam vel elementum justo, in lacinia tortor. Nam eget augue placerat, interdum mi eu, eleifend diam. Nullam rhoncus risus ac enim ornare, a blandit orci eleifend. Nullam libero turpis, hendrerit et ante id, sagittis sodales ipsum. Curabitur in diam lorem. Nunc hendrerit quis diam tempor vestibulum. Aenean mauris metus, sodales a vestibulum vitae, consectetur ac nisi.


the devoted

coding by Kyra | image by memuii

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><center><div style="position:relative;z-index:2;width:590px;background:#766146;padding: 15px;border-radius: 400px 400px 0 0;border:1px solid #000;box-shadow:0 0 10px #000;"><div style="position:relative;z-index:2;width:590px;background:#384A09;font:13px 'Times New Roman', serif;border-radius: 400px 400px 0 0;border:1px solid #000;box-shadow:0 0 10px #000;"><img style="width:550px;margin-bottom:-20px;margin-top:-20px;" src=""><div style="position: relative;text-align:justify;padding:0 50px;color:#E8DDBF;">text text <font color=709413>"quote quote"</font>

<p style="position: relative;text-align: center;font: 56px 'Dancing Script', cursive;color: #fff;margin: 0;">alysanne</p><p style="position: absolute;bottom: 35px;right:180px;letter-spacing: 8px;font-size: 14px;font-style: italic;color: #958760;margin: 0;">the devoted</p></div></div></center><center>coding by Kyra | [url=]image by memuii[/url]</center>

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah

- kindness is loving people -

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla a elit quis justo luctus auctor. Etiam magna elit, ullamcorper sit amet turpis ac, tempor posuere urna. Aenean sed malesuada felis, non tristique dui. Quisque sagittis mauris diam, et sollicitudin diam placerat sit amet. Cras cursus nisl eu dolor vestibulum dictum. Nullam blandit quis sapien ut auctor. Quisque quis neque ornare, sagittis diam ac, scelerisque metus. Phasellus aliquet mauris non turpis sodales, bibendum placerat libero fermentum. Vestibulum ac diam pellentesque nunc sollicitudin tempus ac at purus. Integer varius vel turpis eu laoreet. Donec iaculis, est posuere vestibulum pretium, nibh nulla porta nunc, quis laoreet dui dolor eget ipsum. Mauris feugiat vestibulum odio non porttitor.

Proin luctus tempus orci sit amet mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis mollis metus id augue tincidunt vehicula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam luctus nisi nec lorem dignissim, nec condimentum eros bibendum. Ut vestibulum orci ac volutpat aliquet. Morbi sed tellus a metus rhoncus consequat. Maecenas tincidunt iaculis ullamcorper. Mauris mattis risus nec rutrum dictum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer pharetra dui quis odio gravida euismod.

Aliquam at tellus nisi. Nullam vel elementum justo, in lacinia tortor. Nam eget augue placerat, interdum mi eu, eleifend diam. Nullam rhoncus risus ac enim ornare, a blandit orci eleifend. Nullam libero turpis, hendrerit et ante id, sagittis sodales ipsum. Curabitur in diam lorem. Nunc hendrerit quis diam tempor vestibulum. Aenean mauris metus, sodales a vestibulum vitae, consectetur ac nisi. sodales a vestibulum vitae, consectetur ac nisi.

- more than they deserve -



<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><center><div style="position:relative;z-index:1;width:600px;background:#000;font:13px 'Times New Roman', serif;border: 1px solid #000;border-radius: 10px;padding-bottom: 30px;"><img style="width:600px;margin-bottom:-230px;" src=""><p style="top:460px;position: absolute;z-index: 20px; width: 600px;text-align: center;color:#8d9122;text-transform: uppercase;letter-spacing: 2px;font-size: 12px;margin: 0;">- kindness is loving people -</p><div style="position: relative;z-index: 10;width: 480px;background: rgba(200,200,183,0.5);text-align:justify;padding:30px 20px;color:#0e1403;border: 1px solid #000;border-radius: 10px;">words go here

</div><p style="bottom:38px;position: absolute;z-index: 20px; width: 600px;text-align: center;color:#8d9122;text-transform: uppercase;letter-spacing: 2px;font-size: 12px;margin: 0;">- more than they deserve -</p><p style="position: absolute;z-index: 5px; right: 50px;bottom:-20px;font: 56px 'Mr Dafoe', cursive;color:#606316;margin: 0;">alysanne</p></div><a href="">Image</a></center>
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

Alysanne the Devoted Posts: 641
World's Edge Queen atk: 7 | def: 10 | dam: 3.5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 16 hh :: 11 years HP: 62 | Buff: NOVICE
Hemlock :: Flammulated Owl :: Heal & Cypress :: Great Horned Owl :: None Sarah
please tag Alysanne in replies
[Image: alysanne_by_schwartze-d89se15.png]
made by the lovely tamme
non-life threatening physical force is allowed at all times, but preference is to be checked with beforehand for any injuries

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