the Rift


Seren Posts: N/A
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. "Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem." Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi, qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari, fiant sollemnes in futurum. speak here

Seren Posts: N/A
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Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork belly ground round filet mignon shank, porchetta boudin cow. Chuck pork belly flank hamburger corned beef cow prosciutto shoulder sausage bresaola strip steak tongue. Rump alcatra short ribs, bacon pork belly filet mignon ground round ball tip venison sirloin meatloaf prosciutto pig. "Biltong ground round ham hock pork belly frankfurter swine pancetta beef ribs shankle turducken. Picanha fatback turkey, strip steak landjaeger kevin pork chop capicola hamburger beef ribs prosciutto porchetta shankle."

Tail ham shoulder, pork jerky fatback corned beef sirloin alcatra prosciutto beef ribs short ribs. Flank biltong venison tail filet mignon. Filet mignon pork leberkas biltong flank pastrami swine sirloin pork chop ribeye. Landjaeger cow bacon, tail pork belly bresaola andouille turducken pastrami.

Cow corned beef strip steak ham meatloaf cupim short ribs jowl short loin venison kielbasa pig. Strip steak jerky pig pancetta hamburger, tenderloin sausage. Ham prosciutto beef landjaeger. Pork loin alcatra frankfurter ground round pork belly corned beef brisket bacon.

Brisket meatball filet mignon hamburger meatloaf. Hamburger boudin jerky flank fatback. Swine ham ribeye shankle. Flank hamburger turducken landjaeger tenderloin. Boudin bresaola tri-tip pork belly fatback drumstick meatloaf, sausage pork loin swine alcatra shank flank.

Cupim short loin turkey doner capicola. Strip steak t-bone short loin bresaola hamburger bacon chuck doner, tri-tip ground round. Pig tenderloin shoulder, capicola bacon short loin sirloin tri-tip drumstick fatback jowl hamburger. Sausage sirloin swine biltong hamburger beef ribs jerky shank pork belly venison rump shoulder ground round. Chuck pancetta ham hock, shankle pork belly doner beef ball tip. Tri-tip ribeye doner landjaeger picanha.

Entia Posts: N/A
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text here "speak"

Oyana Posts: N/A
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dig up her bones but leave the soul alone
Oyana was born a twin to Tamu, on the plains of Dorobo far from the centre, away from prying eyes and in a small tribe, out of mind and out of sight of the Great Pillar. Being a small tribe, they participated in the manner that most did at the time. Their father was a representative of the tribe, often leaving to others. He was a big creature, powerful and strong. He was adament that Tamu be trained to be the stronger, the fighter, while she would simply become useful for him to maintain his peace with another tribe.
Yet in secret, when their father was away, Tamu would take Oyana on “walks”, where they could go to their secret grove, hidden from others, and he would teach Oyana what he was learning. Oyana picked it up quickly, never falling behind him. When they were in the herd, she would play her part, doing little else than being the little girl her father intended for her to become. "He never learned of their secret playing, and he never saw the bond between them strengthening. Every time the twins went out, he was never there. This went on for a long time between them; years passed as the tensions in Dorobo shifted slowly."

Only when their father's responsibilities began to change as their tribe became more obsessed with the idea of conquest and joining the Great Pillar in their dominance. Oyana spent more time away from Tamu, hating every moment she was stuck with the simpering women who were left behind, only to produce soldiers for the Banderi. Their sire was for the destruction of all of those who were not like them, their mother was a silent figure.

When Tamu was gone, Oyana was caught by her sire who told her she would be punished for her disoberying him in front of the tribe, and she would never be left alone again without watch, which lead to her attacking her father, who was surprised by her ferocity. Oyana was cast from the tribe and Dorobo for her actions – and was soon joined by her brother.

Oyana had heard of the downfall of Dorobo – but isn't quite sure she believes what she has heard. She has heard of Tembovu and Kiuaji from her brother, but does not know who they are by sight - only name.

Entia Posts: N/A
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line here
Bacon ipsum dolor amet short ribs ribeye kevin bacon tongue cow. Meatball flank jowl short ribs salami. Leberkas shankle pork meatball hamburger. Meatball chuck meatloaf andouille beef ribs, shoulder pastrami corned beef sausage boudin. Sausage beef ribs salami landjaeger brisket spare ribs tenderloin pork chop boudin ribeye filet mignon ground round cupim leberkas.

Boudin capicola turducken, leberkas tenderloin beef ribs bacon shank cow jerky pork ham hock. Jowl ball tip short loin turkey pastrami. Drumstick jerky shank, meatloaf bacon strip steak fatback landjaeger shankle frankfurter. Drumstick frankfurter landjaeger pork, brisket ball tip ham hock short loin ground round picanha cow pastrami fatback swine.

Pig alcatra short loin prosciutto turkey turducken strip steak. Kevin tongue pork chop short ribs landjaeger doner beef tail prosciutto venison meatloaf filet mignon ham salami. Short ribs corned beef bresaola, doner beef pork chop sirloin pork shank hamburger andouille landjaeger. Hamburger ham hock pork loin short loin, pork chop pancetta pig ribeye bresaola sausage jerky. Pork belly bacon turkey sirloin tail beef ribs.

Pork sirloin spare ribs boudin. Shoulder bacon corned beef sausage landjaeger. Strip steak ribeye pastrami filet mignon shank ball tip leberkas t-bone short loin tenderloin brisket pancetta doner shoulder. Short loin pork t-bone meatball, jerky filet mignon beef turducken rump salami pork loin sirloin tri-tip. Spare ribs cupim pork chop sirloin short loin ground round. Meatloaf bacon bresaola pork ham cupim capicola sausage chicken ball tip. Tail short ribs ribeye pork belly capicola beef ribs, landjaeger ham strip steak.

Swine salami kevin beef pork loin pancetta ground round ham landjaeger sirloin meatloaf pastrami frankfurter hamburger flank. Turducken capicola ground round, short loin pastrami swine meatball porchetta hamburger kevin jowl shank prosciutto frankfurter. Pork loin drumstick pork chop beef ribs jowl ribeye doner filet mignon. Jowl cupim jerky meatloaf, spare ribs pancetta kielbasa shankle ham hock strip steak sirloin.

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