the Rift

[JUDGED] KILL V. MAIM [Rank Challenge v. Raeden]

Raeden Posts: 188
World's Edge Specter atk: 7 | def: 11 | dam: 3
Mare :: Unicorn :: 15.3hh :: 5 Years 3Months HP: 66.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Tin :: Plain Cerndyr :: Earth Spirit Dressy
 Have you ever noticed how every hurricane gets its name from a girl like this?
You're gonna wish you had a storm warning; you're gonna wish you had a sign.

He just kept on talking and talking. His voice was like nails on a chalkboard. There was something to say about everything. Anger and rage burned deep into her soul. How dare he disrespect her like that! It made her want to maim him. Raeden wanted to make the snake man into a pile of blood and rubbish on the muddy ground. The specter would gladly stomp every inch of this worthless man into the cold, fridged, dirty slush that, they battled on. He knew nothing about Stealths and the inner workings of them. Why would she stoop to his level and explain herself to him? This snake man thinks that he can be a better Specter, but he does not even know how to stealth. Toulouse does not understand the art of stealing. Why should she explain it to someone who is stepping on her toes?

Then pristine white teeth scrapped against the man's stomach, and the mare took deep pleasure in this attack. Blood rimmed her maw like a bright red lipstick; her sharpened horn ran down the side of his soft flesh. Tin watched carefully with bright green orbs taking in every movement of the snake man. Screaming in Raeden's skull told her to move away from him. Teal orbs flashed with the whites of her eyes. The mare jumped away from the man's attack causing her to land in a mud hole. Muck and frozen slush flew and clung onto her pelt like leeches. The shock of the cold water almost caused her to lose her train of thought, but her orbs met the green eyes of her bonded. Raeden quickly departed from the mud hole, and thankfulness flooded her mind. She knew someone was looking out for her. Tin would do anything to protect her, and keep her out of harm's way; she would do the same for him.  

Smartass remarks were thrown back at her "Is that the best you can do?"  Her eyes narrowed upon the ridiculous creature, and her hooves moved carefully in the slush filled lands. Tin stood on the side anxious to plunge into the battle, but Raeden just shook her head. You must wait until the time is right . Raeden kept on assuring him over and over. The Cerndyr paced along the sidelines; concerned eyes observed as the battle unfolded. Following with silver flared in Raeden's eyes, the man jumped to the lower ground. He tried to make himself a shorter and less of a target to her athletic frame. Then sharpened horns peered through the long locks of his mane. Giant legs sprung back like a spring, and he launched towards her. Tin saw everything unravel, and there was no hesitation to use his magic to aid. With a blink of an eye, the specter disappeared from the scene. Her pale golden body blended and morphed into the surroundings.

The attack grew closer and closer, and she could hear the thud of his hoof fall echoing in her skull. Keep your timing, wait for the right moment.  Tin attempted to guide her through his attack. Now!! The scream was loud and definite in her mind, and the mare darted forward. Luckily only her left flank caught the last of the ramming. Crimson blood ran down her haunch. The cut itself started in the middle of her hip and moved to her tail, but it was not deep. There were no crippling effects other than the burning and stinging of the cold, fresh air.  Raeden looked behind her to see the man trying to trip her, but she was able to evade that attack. Toulouse said something along the lines of how much fun he was having. A snort came from her muzzle, and she did not feed into his amusement. Tin never let his magic rest. He still cloaked their bodies from the pale eyes of their opponent. With the thought of his skull still being close to her haunches, the mare attempted to lash out both rear legs. Muscles contracted and sprang backward with a powerful double barrel kick, aiming for his right temple or cheek. Raeden hoped to kick some sense into his brain, or kill him; either would work for her. Front legs were steady on a somewhat dry piece of land to help ensure she would not slip.


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Word Count:: 732
Attack:: 2/4
Damage:: Superficial Cut from her left Mid-hip to near her tail 
Summary:: Tin uses his magic to camouflage Raeden and himself from visible eyes then raeden attempts to double barrel kick Toulouse in the right temple/cheek area.

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RE: KILL V. MAIM [Rank Challenge v. Raeden] - by Raeden - 12-21-2016, 04:17 PM

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