the Rift


Zoeya Posts: 9
World's Edge Filly
Filly :: Hybrid :: 16.1 :: Six months:: Orangemoon
Ajax :: Common Griffin :: Zapping Jab Pare
Magic -

::[Magic: Fire x Spark | Can summon lightning from her horns that heal wounds]
::[Restrictions: Larger wounds require more focus and energy ]

::[Magic: Fire x Spark (U) | Can summon lightning from her horns that heals wounds and sicknesses]
::[Restrictions: Large wounds and worse sicknesses take more focus and energy]

::[Magic: Dark x Spark | Able to transform into a bird made of lightning]
::[Restrictions: Immobilized for ten seconds]

::[Magic: Dark x Spark (U) | Able to transform into a bird made of lightning that can heal with a brush of her wing]
::[Restrictions: Immobilized for ten seconds, requires permission]

::[Magic: Spark (P) | Body gives off an electric charge which jumps over her skin and can make glass glow blue when she is close to it]
::[Restrictions: No use in battle]


SS - Zephyr :: Wakiya :: Any class
Griffin :: Zapping Jab :: Any class

NSS - Kitsune :: Electric :: Any class
Cerndyr :: Lamplight :: Any class


::[Item: Genetic Mutation | Three magic slots]
:: [ Item: Genetic Mutation | Able to bond to 2 companions]

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