the Rift

Crutch [Destrier; Open]

Safenger Posts: N/A
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The radiant sunshine that sparked and twinkled through the branches of the forest ceiling was outright mockery; the birdsong in the trees laughed in Safenger’s face as he stood there. It was happy and content in this place, where the water had fallen and rejuvenated the forest during his stupor. He had been absent for it, and as such failed to see its blessing, as his body was still tense, sore, and brittle from his…“episode”. Every breath was shallow and careful, as though the bay was afraid that a too-large inhale of air would shatter his fragile innards. His back was a tangle knot of aches and pains as usual, and though the feeling was beginning to die away even as he contemplated it, it did nothing but feed the savage pit of fire within his breast, a flame of anger and resentment for his injury. He might as well been born a leper.

Safenger didn’t move from his place as the white-maned unicorn stallion approached him, offering him words of welcome, encouragement, a home. The Valiant, was his title. Safenger’s first impulse was to snort in derision—but he wouldn’t dare, as meek as his countenance was. He only watched with impassive eyes as another night-pelted stranger intruded on the bubble, again offering words of welcome, encouragement, and shameless advertising for a possible home. The Protector, he called himself. Saf suppressed his groan of contempt.

He shrunk into himself as the two stallions looked upon him, kind and placating in their demeanor. They were not at fault for Safenger’s suspiciousness, but suspicious Safenger turned out to be, in any rate. He still wouldn’t dare move his limbs, the image in his mind displaying them as fractured pieces of timber, wet with the rain and ready to snap. His eyes found the Valiant’s horn; it was the standard of a unicorn and not much else in this context, and yet to Safenger it was a threat—a possible weapon that could pierce his hide and cause him more of the earth-shattering, teeth-gritting, mind-numbing pain he was susceptible to. With guarded eyes, he drank in the Protector’s visage; well-muscled, proud stamp of an Equine, brimming with energy and a kind of hidden pride that caused his features to glow with inner contentment. This stallion could crush Safenger in his current condition; he could throttle the bay with one stray kick to the shoulder, and Saf would be at his mercy in an instant.

“No,” came the sudden reply, harsh and curt as it flew from Safenger’s lips. Had he any hackles, they would have been raised—but didn’t want to attack. He was cautious, and overly so, and though they offered the protection and stability of a herd, Safenger wanted none of that. He had just left one; the pain of it was still fresh in his mind. He shook his head, letting his eyes melt some, so that they were warmer, less apprehensive. “I…I’m sorry,” he said quickly, apologizing for his rudeness; the ghosts of his past had caused a rush of panic in him, making him rude and his tongue severe, “A herd is no place for me, sirs….not at this present hour. I need—something,” he stammered. The question was: what did he need? A purpose? Time to think to himself? Freedoms?

Freedoms of a different sort, most definitely.

Messages In This Thread
Crutch [Destrier; Open] - by Safenger - 01-14-2013, 09:30 PM
RE: Crutch [Destrier; Open] - by Paladin - 01-18-2013, 08:58 PM
RE: Crutch [Destrier; Open] - by Destrier - 01-19-2013, 12:10 AM
RE: Crutch [Destrier; Open] - by Safenger - 01-21-2013, 02:05 AM

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