the Rift

[OPEN] had a dream i was awake [rowan]

Skysong Posts: N/A
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The desert was big.

The little amber filly didn't know what to think about how big the desert was.

She hadn't been very far, of course. Mother and Father wouldn't let her stray from the oasis unless they were with her. She went to the beach, once. If the desert was big, the ocean was huge. Her little mind couldn't comprehend just how large the ocean was. And so she had played in the sea spray with Mother and Father and Say-bull. The - what was the word? - the kit-ten. Yes, that was it. Sabel the kitten. She was fun, particularly since the flicka had no understanding of claws and the damage that they could do if not properly controlled. But Sabel had controlled her claws, and they had had fun

The filly was very familiar with fun.

But she did not understand yet that the world was much larger than the Dragon's Throat. Of course, she did not understand the concept of world yet, either. She understood home, of course, and she was beginning to understand that her home had a name. Just like she had a name. Mother and Father had names, too. She had learned some other names, of course. Some of the Throat foals, and some of the adults. And, of course, Aunt Rowan. The filly though that her godmother (though she didn't yet understand that concept, either) had a very pretty name. At least, it was pretty in her mind. Her mouth wouldn't quite work with the 'r' sound just yet. It was a bit frustrating, but the youngling was so preoccupied with fun that her inabilities did not anger her for very long.

In fact, she was a very happy-natured little filly, which was both a blessing and a curse to her parents. They wanted to protect her, of course, but it was very difficult to reign in such a curious, friendly filly. She had no knowledge of enemies yet, nor of pain or suffering. She did not truly understand death, either, though she had been born so close to it. Instead, she frolicked to and fro, usually under Mother's watchful eye, meeting the other Throat inhabitants and getting into the usual amount of childish trouble. But today, Mother had left her with Aunt Rowan, and the flicka had every intention of making the most of this quality time.

Long, gangly legs stretched as she bounded to her godmother's side. "Auntie," she said in the adorably demanding tone of a foal. "Does the desewt go on fowever?"

"Talk talk talk."
Think think think.

Skysong || ||

Rowan Posts: 76
Mare :: Equine :: 14.1hh :: 3 Years 4 Months

Since being named the godmother to the child resting still unborn in her heart-sister's belly, Rowan had devoted all her time to the little fae. At first she had been secretly fearful that her strange ways with emotions would keep her from being the godmother she desperately wanted to be, but when she had first set eyes on Skysong's frail newborn form, her heart had pulsed and for the first time in years, Rowan had felt emotion well inside her chest. Sohalia and Skysong were the only two within her heart who held her love, and she had never felt closer to any other beings. Skysong was growing ever larger and more independent with every day, and Rowan knew with a quiet understanding of which she spoke to no other that the babe was growing tired of Sohalia and Note's overbearing protectiveness. Rowan had developed a protectiveness of her as well, but she knew better than to stifle her. As a filly, she had been a reckless, hot-headed devil that was always wandering off. It had taught her many things. What would happen if Skysong did not get out, see the world? Would she rebel even more than a normal child? So Rowan had allowed the sweet cherub free reign whenever Sohalia left her in the care of the brilliant woman.

Here she came, bounding across the sand with long limbs that would make her an elegant mare when she blossomed into adulthood. Bright dual painted eyes found her own calm dark oceanic gaze, and a warm loving smile curved her chocolate lips. Skysong had brightened her world like sunshine, and Rowan would kill anyone who would dare to try and blot out her little ray of cuteness. Beauty had kissed her, and Rowan adored her more than anything else in the world. So when the sweet doll came to her side as she often did on mornings such as these, Rowan turned her head and bent her neck down to brush her dark muzzle lovingly over Skysong's forelock. Brushing the touch down the bridge of her face to her muzzle, Rowan laughed softly at her question. The happy go lucky fae still could not quite pronounce her r's, but Rowan was not looking forward to the day when she would be called by her name and not the loving title of Auntie. "No, my child. It slowly ends, and turns into forests of green, rolling hills with dotted flowers of every color imaginable. There are oceans and rivers, swamps and snowy lands. The desert is a mighty thing, but even it cannot go on forever."

The patient lass weaved her words in a way that would hopefully sound enticing, wishing to paint the images in her mind simply through the syllables. Humming softly to herself, she began walking, knowing the curious little girl would follow her. Curled blonde mane curved attractively over her shoulder as she tilted her crown to keep her eyes on Skysong, visage soft and loving. Parental, almost. "If you would like, I can take you to the border today and show you the meadows and rivers I speak of? Would you like that, little one?" Had Sohalia taken Skysong out of the borders yet? Rowan didn't intend to take her out of sight of the patrols, just enough to show her the edges of Thistle Meadow and the Heart. Skysong would be safe at her side, and Rowan was a stubborn soul that would not let Sohalia keep Skysong from growing and exploring. She loved her sister dearly, and knew the pain of losing her other child drove her to keep Skysong under lock and key. But Rowan would fight her every step of the way, because she loved Sky and she loved Soh too. If her sister could not see that Sky was starting to grow unhappy, Rowan would sneak her darling goddaughter away as often as possible in order to take the blame for her adventuring.

Rowan had never loved someone else as much as she loved her goddaughter.

::ooc- amg Rayo you have just given me her muse back, I love you.

Skysong Posts: N/A
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Though the youngling did not know it, Mother had not taken her to the borders. In fact, Skysong wasn’t quite sure what ‘borders’ where. She wasn’t about to ask, though, because some semblance of vanity made her resist words that she could not pronounce. Perhaps she did not yet know why, but she knew that the sound of ‘r’ was difficult and made her sound silly, and she so desperately wanted to sound mature and intelligent. Auntie was smart, and Skysong wanted to be just like her.

Among other things that she did not understand was the protection of Mother and Father. Of course, some small portion of her knew that they loved her, and that they wanted to keep her safe. But she had no real knowledge of danger, and so even this vague comprehension was confused. All she knew was that all the other foals spoke of things she had yet to see, and she spent a good deal of time wondering what it would be like to travel further than the sands of the desert. But it goes on forever, she thought, and I don’t know which way to go.

Auntie’s touch calmed the filly momentarily; she stood in rapt attention at the older fae’s words, her stump of a tail flicking busily from side to side, up and down. ”I saw the ocean, Auntie,” she said in a tone that informed Auntie that she ought to have known this already. ”It was huge. She grinned, though, unaware of how entirely demanding she sounded, unaware that to some, she might be considered rude. In fact, she was at the age in which her unintentional rudeness was quite possibly the most adorable thing on the planet, but that was neither here nor there.

Although it seemed that the youngling had latched onto only part of Auntie’s word-weaving, she really did understand that there was a great deal more to life than that she had seen and experienced. A vague understanding of some of the concepts – green, for example, and hills – was present in her mind, but there were other things that she did not know. Forests, for one – she knew there were trees there, but she assumed that they would be the sparsely growing crops of the desert land, not the towering, fertile vegetation that she would come to know in Auntie’s care. She did not know flowers, for they did not exist in the way that Auntie described in the desert. She did not know swamps, and she certainly did not know snow. But I want to.

She grinned and squealed with glee, hopping in place with joy, then cantering a small circle around Auntie. ”Take me, take me! Please, Auntie, please?” She sounded so very excited, so very earnest, as though she expected the offer to be withdrawn at any moment. A pause near the fae’s shoulder and a particularly irresistible glance, complete with large, pleading eyes, was her last request; she even added a sweet smile in for good measure. Auntie will have to show me now! She has to!

"Talk talk talk."
Think think think.

Skysong || ||

Rowan Posts: 76
Mare :: Equine :: 14.1hh :: 3 Years 4 Months

Though she had not come from her loins, and it was possibly wrong to think of her in such a way, Skysong was as beloved as if she had been Rowan's own child. Often she called her 'my child' and 'my darling', because Rowan had never been so devoted to someone so precious before. The youth was like a sponge, soaking up information and dying for more. Rowan always ceded, and likely always would. After all, she was still a Scholar at heart, and to her knowledge was one of the most important things to a person. Who was she to deny her? So Skysong often was allowed to pester and question her Auntie to her hearts delight without a single complaint. More often than not, it was Row who went to go find her goddaughter for a day of play and patient teachings. And why should she feel strange for that? Rowan enjoyed her company as much as she hoped Skysong enjoyed hers.

Maternal touch quieted her hyper niece, and Rowan smiled indulgently down at her. Her excitement and youthful nature was infectious, and Rowan still felt that tell-tale warmth in her heart when the hyper doll paid rapt attention to her words. Of course, the little one had to declare that she had already seen the ocean, and Rowan merely laughed along with her pushy tone. It bothered her not at all, and she tugged gently upon her niece's growing mane lovingly. "Oh dear, I must have missed this discovery! My little Sky is growing up so fast," she sighed dramatically, a glint of teasing in her eyes as she spoke. Though she was already fearing the day the sweet lass would become a mature woman, and only hoped she could prepare her as much as possible in that time. Sometimes she selfishly wished she had been Skysong's mother, but Sohalia was her sister in all but blood, and she would never do that to the mare who had been broken in many ways by the death of Skysong's twin. Said angel was grinning, and the light in her eyes was evident after Rowan's eloquent explanations, showing that the doll would bring up no objection to traveling with her before she even spoke.

Once it sank in, the pretty half-face of a babe began to squeal with delight and race about with energy Rowan envied despite her own young age. Laughing and smiling at the display, she waited until her niece had come to a stop before she spoke once more. The pleading, big dichromatic eyes only helped to cement her decision that had come long before. Laughing she leaned closer and lipped at one of her ears playfully. "Of course, my little Sky. Come along, we have a bit of walking to do before we reach the borders. That is where the desert ends, and where our herdland ends as well. When you pass them, you are no longer part of the safety of the Sun God and our warriors. Do not be discouraged, should you ever want to explore, all you must do is ask me understand?" A promise was woven into her deep sapphire eyes, a silent vow to Skysong that should she ask to adventure, Rowan would be there to protect and guide her.

Walking briskly across familiar crimson sand, she beckoned Skysong with a flick of her tail and an encouraging smile over her shoulder. With the excitement Sky had displayed, Rowan didn't doubt she would come bounding to her side immediately. With her own short, small frame, Rowan would likely have a similar stride to Skysong's. Oh, how terrible it would be if her pretty little Sky ended up taller than her! Rowan would lament her smallness forever should her adorable niece sprout up above her reach. As they walked, Rowan decided she could explain a little more. It seemed she always had questions, and yet Rowan always gave her information she did not know without her asking. "The land of Helovia is vast, and beautiful. Where I intend to take you is known as one of the most beautiful places in Helovia, and the most peaceful. There will be colors you've never seen, and it won't be nearly as hot as the Throat. In the Frostbreath Steppe, there is a substance that crushes easily underfoot and yet is colder than even the ocean. The substance is made of tiny flakes, and yet it is a powerful element known as snow and ice." Perhaps she blathered a bit sometimes, but until Rowan could show Skysong these things herself, she would keep her entertained during their journey with tales of places Rowan would take her. They weren't far from the borders, and already she could see the misshapen beginnings of the wall Kri had ordered to be built. Quickly the chocolate maiden swept her gaze over it, checking for Sohalia and sighing internally with relief when she was found to be absent. Already the air was slowly turning cooler, the sand hardening underhoof. Smiling sideways at Skysong, Rowan couldn't help but be just as excited, if only to see how Skysong would react to these new discoveries.

Skysong Posts: N/A
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If there was one thing that the young Skysong was fully aware of, it was of her effect on Auntie. It had been all too easy from day one to blink those big, bi-colored orbs with the slightest hint of a pout on her maw, the vaguest shimmer of a tear in her eyes, and Auntie caved, without fail. Of course, the youngling knew that she would not be able to get away with everything, or, rather, she would know one day. But for now, the idea of rebellion, of doing one's own thing, was an unknown to her.

Though she did not know it, Auntie was one of the most fiercely intelligent creatures in Helovia, and she would one day understand just how much Auntie loved her intelligence and sharing it with her niece. There was an innate joy in gaining and giving knowledge that was apparent to Skysong even at her young age, even if she did not know what to call it. The loving spark in Auntie's eyes assured her that no question was too difficult, no query would be turned away. This was, perhaps, why she enjoyed Auntie's company more than Mother's. One day, this relationship might provide the foundation of the youngling's rebellion, but for now, she was content with life as it was.

Especially since Auntie was taking her to the bore-dur. She danced along by Auntie's side, prancing off every now and then to look at a cactus, or a desert flower, or a pretty blue butterfly. She always returned, though, like a little shooting star swaying back into orbit. Auntie spoke to her then, and she flitted closer again, auds pricked eagerly. "Yes, Auntie," she said, a blissful grin showing her appreciation of the promise.

Auntie's informative tone was a flame for the moth that was the young flicka, and she stayed near so long as Auntie was talking. It was hard to imagine some of the things that Auntie talked of so easily, but she listened all the same, hoping that one day she would be able to see them with her own eyes. She noticed the temperature begin to decline, though it was a subconscious note, and on the horizon she could see the beginnings of the color she knew to be green. Her hooves were staccato on the hard ground, an odd change from the ever-shifting sands of the desert, and she lifted her hooves abnormally high for a few yards, squealing at each hoofbeat.

"Talk talk talk."
Think think think.

Skysong || ||

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