the Rift

Descaro [imi]

Descaro Posts: 77
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1hh :: 8 Buff: NOVICE
thread tracker

-- Soldiers Ways (Aurora Basin; Frost Fye) mt

Descaro Posts: 77
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1hh :: 8 Buff: NOVICE
This fluid feels like pain
This stoic mood is all in vain
I reach into the dark
I tear the sun and me apart
How many years ago
How many deaths I can't let go
My flesh is temporary, my God extraordinary

A man delivered can never make his way in darkness
I know tonight will end
but I won't give this life away again

Sifting through the seen debris
Oh my father call to me
This smoke is in my blood
This home is just no good
Save me from my bitterness
Give me up I did my best
Chalk this system full of shit
Lock this fucker lost in it

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

"talk talk talk"

you can't kill my mind

<center><table bgcolor="#000000" width="500" cellpadding="15px" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><div align=left><FONT SIZE="-2"><FONT COLOR="#770300">T</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770400">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770401">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#760501">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#750602"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#740702">f</FONT><FONT COLOR="#740702">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#730803">u</FONT><FONT COLOR="#720903">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#720a03">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#710a04"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#700b04">f</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6f0c05">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6f0d05">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6e0d05">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6d0e06">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6c0f06"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#6c1006">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6b1007">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6a1107">k</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6a1208">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#691308"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#681308">p</FONT><FONT COLOR="#671409">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#671509">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#66160a">n</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#65160a"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#65170a">T</FONT><FONT COLOR="#64180b">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#63180b">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#62190b">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#621a0c"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#611b0c">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#601b0d">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#601c0d">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5f1d0d">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5e1e0e">c</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5d1e0e"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#5d1f0e">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5c200f">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5b210f">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5a2110">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5a2210"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#592310">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#582411">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#582411"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#572511">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#562612">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#552712">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#552712"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#542712">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542813">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542915"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#542a16">v</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542b17">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542c18">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542c1a">n</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#542d1b"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#542e1c">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="#532f1e"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#53301f">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533120">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533221">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533323">c</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523424">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523525"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#523526">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523628">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523729">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#52382a">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#51392c"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#513a2d">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513b2e">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513c2f">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513d31"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#513e32">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#503e33">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#503f35">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504036">k</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#504137"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#504238">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f433a"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f443b">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f453c">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f463e">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f473f">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f4740"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4841">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4943">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4a44">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4b45"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4c46">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4d48">u</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4e49">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4f4a"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d504c">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d504d">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d514e">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c524f"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c5351">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c5351">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c5351"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c524f">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d514e">p</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d504d">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d504c">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4f4a">t</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#4d4e49"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4d48">H</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4c46">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4b45">w</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4a44"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4943">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4841">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f4740">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f473f">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f463e"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f453c">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f443b">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f433a">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504238">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504137">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504036"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#503f35">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#503e33">g</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513e32">o</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#513d31"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#513c2f">H</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513b2e">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513a2d">w</FONT><FONT COLOR="#51392c"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#52382a">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523729">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523628">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523526">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523525"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#523424">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533323">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533221">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533120">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#53301f">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#532f1e">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542e1c"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#542d1b">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542c1a"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#542c18">c</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542b17">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542a16">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542915">'</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542813">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542712"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#552712">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#552712">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#562612">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#572511"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#582411">g</FONT><FONT COLOR="#582411">o</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#592310"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#5a2210">M</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5a2110">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5b210f"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#5c200f">f</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5d1f0e">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5d1e0e">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5e1e0e">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5f1d0d">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#601c0d"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#601b0d">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#611b0c">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#621a0c"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#62190b">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#63180b">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#64180b">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#65170a">p</FONT><FONT COLOR="#65160a">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#66160a">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#671509">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#671409">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#681308">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#691308">,</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6a1208"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#6a1107">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6b1007">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6c1006"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#6c0f06">G</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6d0e06">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6e0d05">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6f0d05"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#6f0c05">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#700b04">x</FONT><FONT COLOR="#710a04">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#720a03">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#720903">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#730803">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#740702">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#740702">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#750602">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#760501">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770401">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770400">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770300">y</FONT></FONT></div><br><Center><FONT SIZE="-2"><FONT COLOR="#770300">A</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770401"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#750601">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#740702">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#730803">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#710a04"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#700b04">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6f0d05">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6d0e06">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6c0f06">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6b1107">v</FONT><FONT COLOR="#691208">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#681308">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#671509">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#65160a">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#64180b"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#63190b">c</FONT><FONT COLOR="#611a0c">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#601c0d">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5f1d0d"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#5d1e0e">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5c200f">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5b210f">v</FONT><FONT COLOR="#592310">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#582411">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#572512"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#552712">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542712">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542914">k</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542a17">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542c19"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#542d1b">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#532f1d">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533120">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533222"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#523424">w</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523527">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523729">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#51392b"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#513a2d">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513c30">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513e32"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#503f34">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504137">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504239">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f443b">k</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f463d">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f4740">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4942">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4a44">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4c47"><br> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4e49">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4f4b"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d514d">k</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c5250">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c5351">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c5250">w</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d514d"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4f4b">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4e49">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4c47">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4a44">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4942">g</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f4740">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f463d">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f443b"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#504239">w</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504137">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#503f34">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513e32">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513c30"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#513a2d">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#51392b">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523729">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523527"><br> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#523424">b</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533222">u</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533120">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#532f1d"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#542d1b">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542c19"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#542a17">w</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542914">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542712">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#552712">'</FONT><FONT COLOR="#572512">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#582411"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#592310">g</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5a2110">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5c200f">v</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5d1f0e">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5e1d0e"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#601c0d">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#611b0c">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#62190c">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#63180b">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#65170a"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#66160a">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#671409">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#691308">f</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6a1207">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6b1007"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#6c0f06">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6e0e05">w</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6f0c05">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#700b04">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#720a03"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#730803">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#740702">g</FONT><FONT COLOR="#750601">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770401">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770300">n</FONT></FONT></center><br>
<div align=right><FONT SIZE="-2"><FONT COLOR="#770300">S</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770400">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770401">f</FONT><FONT COLOR="#760501">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#750601">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#750602">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#740702">g</FONT><FONT COLOR="#730802"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#730803">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#720903">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#710a04">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#710b04">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#700b04">u</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6f0c05">g</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6f0d05">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6e0d05"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#6d0e06">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6d0f06">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6c0f06">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6b1007"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#6b1107">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6a1107">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#691208">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#691308">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#681308"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#671409">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#671509">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#66160a">b</FONT><FONT COLOR="#65160a">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#65170a">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#64180b">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#63180b"><Br> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#63190b">O</FONT><FONT COLOR="#621a0c">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#611a0c"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#611b0c">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#601c0d">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5f1c0d"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#5f1d0d">f</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5e1e0e">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5d1e0e">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5d1f0e">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5c200f">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5b200f">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5b210f"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#5a2210">c</FONT><FONT COLOR="#592310">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#592311">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#582411">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#572511"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#572512">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#562612">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#552712"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#552712">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542712">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542813"><br> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#542914">T</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542a16">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542a17">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542b18">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542c19"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#542d1a">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542e1b">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542f1d">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#532f1e">k</FONT><FONT COLOR="#53301f">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533120"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#533221">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533323">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533424"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#523425">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523526">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523627"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#523729">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#52382a">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#52392b"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#51392c">b</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513a2d">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513b2e">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513c30">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513d31">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513e32"><br> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#503e33">T</FONT><FONT COLOR="#503f34">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504036">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504137">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504238"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#504339">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f433a">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f443b">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f453d">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f463e"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f473f">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f4840">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4841"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4943">j</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4a44">u</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4b45">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4c46">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4d47"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4d49">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4e4a">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4f4b"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d504c">g</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d514d">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d524e">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c5250">d</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#4c5351"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c5351">S</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c5351">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c5250">v</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c524f">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d514d"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d504c">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4f4b">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4e4a"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4d49">f</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4d4d48">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4c46">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4b45">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4a44"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4943">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4942">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e4841"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f473f">b</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f463e">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f453d">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f443c">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f443b">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4f433a">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504238">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504137">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504036">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#504035">s</FONT><br><FONT COLOR="#503f34"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#503e33">G</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513d31">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513c30">v</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513b2f">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513b2e"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#513a2d">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#51392c">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#52382a"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#523729">u</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523728">p</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523627"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#523526">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="#523425"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#533323">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533222">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533221">d</FONT><FONT COLOR="#533120"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#53301f">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#532f1e">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542e1c"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#542e1b">b</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542d1a">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542c19">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542b18">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542a17"><br> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#542915">C</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542914">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542813">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542712">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#552712">k</FONT><FONT COLOR="#552712"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#562612">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#572512">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#572511">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#582411">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#592311"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#592310">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5a2210">y</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5b210f">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5b200f">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5c200f">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5d1f0e">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5d1e0e"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#5e1e0e">f</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5f1d0d">u</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5f1c0d">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#601c0d">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#611b0c"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#611a0c">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#621a0c">f</FONT><FONT COLOR="#63190b"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#63180b">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#64180b">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#65170a">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#65160a">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#66160a"><br> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#671509">L</FONT><FONT COLOR="#671409">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#681308">c</FONT><FONT COLOR="#691308">k</FONT><FONT COLOR="#691208"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#6a1107">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6b1107">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6b1007">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6c0f06">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6d0f06"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#6d0e06">f</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6e0d05">u</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6f0d05">c</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6f0c05">k</FONT><FONT COLOR="#700b04">e</FONT><FONT COLOR="#710b04">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#710a04"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#720903">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#730803">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#730802">s</FONT><FONT COLOR="#740702">t</FONT><FONT COLOR="#750602"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#750601">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#760501">n</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770401"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#770400">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770300">t</FONT></FONT></div>

<font color=#4c5351 size=1 font face="tahoma"> <br><Br><blockquote>
<p> text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text<br><Br>

text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

<p><b><font color="#513e32"><font face=tahoma>"talk talk talk"</b></font></font></b></p>

<br><br><center><font face=georgia><i><FONT SIZE="+4"><FONT COLOR="#770300">D</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542712">E</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513e32">S</FONT><FONT COLOR="#4c5351">C</FONT><FONT COLOR="#513e32">A</FONT><FONT COLOR="#542712">R</FONT><FONT COLOR="#770300">O</i></FONT></FONT></font><br><font face=georgia><font color=#770300><font size=1><i>you can't kill my mind</i></font></font></font></center>

Descaro Posts: 77
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1hh :: 8 Buff: NOVICE
And my post goes here!

those who live are those who fight

<table width="500px" align="center" cellpadding="10px" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#000000" style="border: 3px solid #ffffff;"><tr><td>
<img src="" width="600px"<blockquote>
<font color="#aa8888" size="1" face=verdana>And my post goes here!

<p><br><br><div style="text-align: center; font-family: georgia; font-size: 15pt; color: #cccccc;"><i>those who live are those who fight</i></div>


Descaro Posts: 77
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1hh :: 8 Buff: NOVICE



Table by Alex

<table width="500"  bgcolor="#5f2331" style="border: 10px solid #000000;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><td><img src="">

<blockquote style="text-align: justify;"><font color=#160a07 font face=Georgia size=1>


<p><b><font color="ac9195">"Speak"</font></b></p>
<p>Table by Alex

Descaro Posts: 77
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1hh :: 8 Buff: NOVICE
put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here

<3 AMY

<center><table align="center" width="600" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"; style="background-color: #a0b3a3;""><td style="background: url('') bottom center no-repeat; border:solid 0pt #000000"><div style="font-family: verdana; font-size: 9px; color: #25241e; text-align: justify; padding: 35px 35px 386px; line-height: 16px; padding-top: 20px; border: 2px solid #25241e; outline: 1px dashed #d9d9d9;">
put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here put the postypost in here

</div></div></tr></td></table><div style="width: 450px; font-family:small fonts; color: #d9d9d9; font-size: 8px; text-align: left;"><3 AMY</div></center>


Descaro Posts: 77
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1hh :: 8 Buff: NOVICE
This fluid feels like pain, This stoic mood is all in vain
I reach into the dark, I tear the sun and me apart
How many years ago, How many deaths I can't let go
My flesh is temporary, my God extraordinary

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultricies neque ut velit ultricies eleifend vitae at velit. Mauris commodo, lorem sed imperdiet blandit, elit orci adipiscing arcu, ornare vehicula ligula metus eu augue. Praesent vulputate ullamcorper magna, at pulvinar tortor venenatis non. Curabitur imperdiet mi ut erat vulputate blandit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lectus magna, commodo id hendrerit at, sollicitudin vitae dui. Nam pellentesque enim id odio condimentum lacinia. Nunc interdum urna in magna fermentum vehicula. Maecenas lorem magna, vestibulum a dapibus eu, convallis nec mi.

Phasellus lobortis, ipsum at aliquam euismod, mauris metus pharetra sem, et vulputate augue metus eget lectus. Curabitur elementum aliquam convallis. Ut in consectetur lacus. Duis rhoncus facilisis lorem a iaculis. Maecenas vitae ligula nulla. Sed dignissim sem massa, sit amet sodales neque. Morbi orci erat, luctus non rutrum id, fringilla luctus turpis. Mauris leo ante, lacinia nec commodo sit amet, ornare nec felis.

Nunc cursus dui at velit scelerisque vitae ornare lorem lacinia. Curabitur varius tincidunt vulputate. Aenean non justo non ligula elementum blandit. Fusce laoreet, lorem a fermentum rhoncus, purus odio accumsan orci, vel lacinia arcu eros quis turpis. Praesent fermentum est turpis. Aliquam mi tellus, aliquet mollis dapibus non, pellentesque in justo. Cras et porttitor erat. Ut consectetur sodales ligula quis porttitor. Curabitur elementum suscipit metus nec cursus. Proin quam orci, pretium sit amet varius sed, pretium ac quam. Ut ornare, nisi tempor tincidunt ornare, purus lacus consequat diam, et mattis ligula lorem ac magna. Integer euismod, tellus a auctor dignissim, enim augue mollis erat, eget pretium enim urna nec enim. Phasellus condimentum tristique tellus, at aliquam ipsum interdum quis.


<center><table width="550"  bgcolor="#958546" style="border: 6px solid #000000;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><div align="center"><div style="margin-left:40pt; margin-right:40pt; margin-top: 10pt;margin-bottom: 0pt;"><font style="font-family:century gothic;color:#381505; font-size:7pt; letter-spacing:2pt; line-height:10pt;">[b]This fluid feels like pain, This stoic mood is all in vain
I reach into the dark, I tear the sun and me apart
How many years ago, How many deaths I can't let go
My flesh is temporary, my God extraordinary
D E S C A R O[/b]</font></div></div><blockquote><div style="margin-left:40pt; margin-right:40pt; margin-top: -10pt;margin-bottom:-5pt;"><p align=justify><font style="font-family:Verdana;color:#292929; font-size:7pt; letter-spacing:0pt; line-height:10pt;">walk
<b><font color="381505">"speech"</font></b>
<img src="">
</td></tr></table></center><sub><div align="center"><a href="">Image by ali</a></div></sub>

d'Artagnan the Nightshade Posts: 364
Aurora Basin General atk: 6 | def: 9 | dam: 6.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 17hh :: 12 HP: 68.5 | Buff: ENDURE
Aramis :: Common Hellhound :: Hellfire & Superspeed imi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ultricies neque ut velit ultricies eleifend vitae at velit. Mauris commodo, lorem sed imperdiet blandit, elit orci adipiscing arcu, ornare vehicula ligula metus eu augue. Praesent vulputate ullamcorper magna, at pulvinar tortor venenatis non. Curabitur imperdiet mi ut erat vulputate blandit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lectus magna, commodo id hendrerit at, sollicitudin vitae dui. Nam pellentesque enim id odio condimentum lacinia. Nunc interdum urna in magna fermentum vehicula. Maecenas lorem magna, vestibulum a dapibus eu, convallis nec mi.

Phasellus lobortis, ipsum at aliquam euismod, mauris metus pharetra sem, et vulputate augue metus eget lectus. Curabitur elementum aliquam convallis. Ut in consectetur lacus. Duis rhoncus facilisis lorem a iaculis. Maecenas vitae ligula nulla. Sed dignissim sem massa, sit amet sodales neque. Morbi orci erat, luctus non rutrum id, fringilla luctus turpis. Mauris leo ante, lacinia nec commodo sit amet, ornare nec felis.

Nunc cursus dui at velit scelerisque vitae ornare lorem lacinia. Curabitur varius tincidunt vulputate. Aenean non justo non ligula elementum blandit. Fusce laoreet, lorem a fermentum rhoncus, purus odio accumsan orci, vel lacinia arcu eros quis turpis. Praesent fermentum est turpis. Aliquam mi tellus, aliquet mollis dapibus non, pellentesque in justo. Cras et porttitor erat. Ut consectetur sodales ligula quis porttitor. Curabitur elementum suscipit metus nec cursus. Proin quam orci, pretium sit amet varius sed, pretium ac quam. Ut ornare, nisi tempor tincidunt ornare, purus lacus consequat diam, et mattis ligula lorem ac magna. Integer euismod, tellus a auctor dignissim, enim augue mollis erat, eget pretium enim urna nec enim. Phasellus condimentum tristique tellus, at aliquam ipsum interdum quis.
"talk talk talk"

You won't get much closer
Until you sacrifice it all
You won't get to taste it
With your face against the wall

<table align=center border="0" bgcolor=#0e1119 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><img src=""</img><center>
<div style='width: 550px; text-align: justified; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10px; line-height: 120%; color: #b3a683;'>
<blockquote><div style="margin-left:40pt; margin-right:40pt; margin-top: -200pt; margin-bottom: 20pt;"><p align=justify><font style="font-family:Verdana;color:#474453; font-size:7pt; letter-spacing:0pt; line-height:10pt;"><br>walk walk walk
<font color="a0a4bb">"talk talk talk"</font>
<div style='text-align: right; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000000; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 90%; letter-spacing: 3px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12px; color: #a0a4bb;'>[align=center]You won't get much closer
Until you sacrifice it all
You won't get to taste it
With your face against the wall
<div align="center"><sub><sub><a href="">image by abba</a></sub></sub></div>

my heart’s an endless winter
              filled with rage

Use force at your own peril ;) please tag me!

Descaro Posts: 77
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1hh :: 8 Buff: NOVICE
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pharetra, justo porta dictum luctus, sem augue fermentum lacus, ac convallis nisi elit quis velit. Curabitur porta scelerisque lacus. Quisque eleifend dui vitae quam pretium mollis. Sed consequat rhoncus urna, sed aliquam eros sagittis sed. Donec sagittis ligula laoreet magna lobortis eget adipiscing magna dignissim. Vestibulum semper vulputate quam lacinia faucibus. Nullam quis condimentum ipsum. Cras eget tellus ligula, in hendrerit enim. Fusce quis enim sed orci dictum suscipit.

In eu neque nunc. Curabitur scelerisque egestas libero, vitae lobortis sapien egestas non. Nullam tristique leo pellentesque nibh commodo iaculis. Vestibulum ornare sollicitudin lectus at commodo. Nullam vitae lorem sit amet justo vehicula cursus sit amet sit amet magna. Nam non risus nisi. Quisque id dui in massa egestas rutrum. Pellentesque nibh lorem, bibendum ut lobortis ut, placerat sed lacus. Nam facilisis odio vitae augue egestas semper. Nunc ipsum sem, tempor sed mattis sit amet, luctus quis eros.

Maecenas mollis pharetra ligula a cursus. Donec aliquet tincidunt nisi, nec rhoncus mauris eleifend at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque ultricies nisi sagittis nulla auctor at posuere est consequat. Vestibulum gravida metus in neque scelerisque ac pellentesque tellus dictum. Ut faucibus varius vulputate. Nam a ligula sollicitudin quam porttitor accumsan hendrerit eget nisl. Aliquam urna lacus, semper a varius nec, fringilla sed metus. Nam sollicitudin pharetra massa vitae ornare. Ut eget turpis ante, non tristique nunc. Nulla sit amet mauris urna, in imperdiet justo. Proin eget odio velit. Quisque leo arcu, placerat ac elementum et, varius et lorem. Curabitur interdum lectus non velit malesuada ut commodo enim accumsan.

"Talk talk talk."
Image Credit

<table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="width: 500px; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: #b45a5a;"><tr><td>
<div><img src="" /></div>
<div style="background-color: #650000;">
<div style="position: relative; z-index: 1; padding-left: 50px; padding-right: 50px; font-family: serif; font-size: 60px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; color: #7d1c1c;">THE PLAGUE</div>
<div style="position: relative; z-index: 2; top: -45px; padding-left: 50px; padding-right: 50px; font-family: serif; font-size: 48px; font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps; text-align: center;">Descaro</div>
<div style="background-color: #650000; padding-left: 75px; padding-right: 75px; text-align: justify;">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pharetra, justo porta dictum luctus, sem augue fermentum lacus, ac convallis nisi elit quis velit. Curabitur porta scelerisque lacus. Quisque eleifend dui vitae quam pretium mollis. Sed consequat rhoncus urna, sed aliquam eros sagittis sed. Donec sagittis ligula laoreet magna lobortis eget adipiscing magna dignissim. Vestibulum semper vulputate quam lacinia faucibus. Nullam quis condimentum ipsum. Cras eget tellus ligula, in hendrerit enim. Fusce quis enim sed orci dictum suscipit.

In eu neque nunc. Curabitur scelerisque egestas libero, vitae lobortis sapien egestas non. Nullam tristique leo pellentesque nibh commodo iaculis. Vestibulum ornare sollicitudin lectus at commodo. Nullam vitae lorem sit amet justo vehicula cursus sit amet sit amet magna. Nam non risus nisi. Quisque id dui in massa egestas rutrum. Pellentesque nibh lorem, bibendum ut lobortis ut, placerat sed lacus. Nam facilisis odio vitae augue egestas semper. Nunc ipsum sem, tempor sed mattis sit amet, luctus quis eros.

Maecenas mollis pharetra ligula a cursus. Donec aliquet tincidunt nisi, nec rhoncus mauris eleifend at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque ultricies nisi sagittis nulla auctor at posuere est consequat. Vestibulum gravida metus in neque scelerisque ac pellentesque tellus dictum. Ut faucibus varius vulputate. Nam a ligula sollicitudin quam porttitor accumsan hendrerit eget nisl. Aliquam urna lacus, semper a varius nec, fringilla sed metus. Nam sollicitudin pharetra massa vitae ornare. Ut eget turpis ante, non tristique nunc. Nulla sit amet mauris urna, in imperdiet justo. Proin eget odio velit. Quisque leo arcu, placerat ac elementum et, varius et lorem. Curabitur interdum lectus non velit malesuada ut commodo enim accumsan.

<font color="#cf7474">"Talk talk talk."</font>
<div style="background-color: #650000;">
<div style="position: relative; z-index: 1; padding-left: 50px; padding-right: 50px; font-family: serif; font-size: 42px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; color: #7d1c1c;">WARRIOR</div></div>
<div><img src="" /></div>
<center><a href="">Image Credit</a></center>


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pharetra, justo porta dictum luctus, sem augue fermentum lacus, ac convallis nisi elit quis velit. Curabitur porta scelerisque lacus. Quisque eleifend dui vitae quam pretium mollis. Sed consequat rhoncus urna, sed aliquam eros sagittis sed. Donec sagittis ligula laoreet magna lobortis eget adipiscing magna dignissim. Vestibulum semper vulputate quam lacinia faucibus. Nullam quis condimentum ipsum. Cras eget tellus ligula, in hendrerit enim. Fusce quis enim sed orci dictum suscipit.

In eu neque nunc. Curabitur scelerisque egestas libero, vitae lobortis sapien egestas non. Nullam tristique leo pellentesque nibh commodo iaculis. Vestibulum ornare sollicitudin lectus at commodo. Nullam vitae lorem sit amet justo vehicula cursus sit amet sit amet magna. Nam non risus nisi. Quisque id dui in massa egestas rutrum. Pellentesque nibh lorem, bibendum ut lobortis ut, placerat sed lacus. Nam facilisis odio vitae augue egestas semper. Nunc ipsum sem, tempor sed mattis sit amet, luctus quis eros.

Maecenas mollis pharetra ligula a cursus. Donec aliquet tincidunt nisi, nec rhoncus mauris eleifend at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque ultricies nisi sagittis nulla auctor at posuere est consequat. Vestibulum gravida metus in neque scelerisque ac pellentesque tellus dictum. Ut faucibus varius vulputate. Nam a ligula sollicitudin quam porttitor accumsan hendrerit eget nisl. Aliquam urna lacus, semper a varius nec, fringilla sed metus. Nam sollicitudin pharetra massa vitae ornare. Ut eget turpis ante, non tristique nunc. Nulla sit amet mauris urna, in imperdiet justo. Proin eget odio velit. Quisque leo arcu, placerat ac elementum et, varius et lorem. Curabitur interdum lectus non velit malesuada ut commodo enim accumsan.

"talk talk talk"

<table align=center border="0" bgcolor=#d1d3c7 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><center>
<div style='width: 550px; text-align: justified; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10px; line-height: 120%; color: #b3a683;'>
<div style='text-align: right; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #ffffff; text-transform: uppercase; line-height: 90%; letter-spacing: 3px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12px; color: #64684f;'>[align=center]Descaro[/align]</div><blockquote><div style="margin-left:40pt; margin-right:40pt; margin-top: -22pt;margin-bottom:-90pt;"><p align=justify><font style="font-family:Verdana;color:#5c4b45; font-size:7pt; letter-spacing:0pt; line-height:10pt;"><br><br>
walk walk walk

[b]"talk talk talk"[/b]
</div><img src=""</img></center></td></tr></table>
<div align="center"><sub><sub><a href="">image by frostie</a></sub></sub></div>

Descaro Posts: 77
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1hh :: 8 Buff: NOVICE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pharetra, justo porta dictum luctus, sem augue fermentum lacus, ac convallis nisi elit quis velit. Curabitur porta scelerisque lacus. Quisque eleifend dui vitae quam pretium mollis. Sed consequat rhoncus urna, sed aliquam eros sagittis sed. Donec sagittis ligula laoreet magna lobortis eget adipiscing magna dignissim. Vestibulum semper vulputate quam lacinia faucibus. Nullam quis condimentum ipsum. Cras eget tellus ligula, in hendrerit enim. Fusce quis enim sed orci dictum suscipit.

In eu neque nunc. Curabitur scelerisque egestas libero, vitae lobortis sapien egestas non. Nullam tristique leo pellentesque nibh commodo iaculis. Vestibulum ornare sollicitudin lectus at commodo. Nullam vitae lorem sit amet justo vehicula cursus sit amet sit amet magna. Nam non risus nisi. Quisque id dui in massa egestas rutrum. Pellentesque nibh lorem, bibendum ut lobortis ut, placerat sed lacus. Nam facilisis odio vitae augue egestas semper. Nunc ipsum sem, tempor sed mattis sit amet, luctus quis eros.

Maecenas mollis pharetra ligula a cursus. Donec aliquet tincidunt nisi, nec rhoncus mauris eleifend at. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque ultricies nisi sagittis nulla auctor at posuere est consequat. Vestibulum gravida metus in neque scelerisque ac pellentesque tellus dictum. Ut faucibus varius vulputate. Nam a ligula sollicitudin quam porttitor accumsan hendrerit eget nisl. Aliquam urna lacus, semper a varius nec, fringilla sed metus. Nam sollicitudin pharetra massa vitae ornare. Ut eget turpis ante, non tristique nunc. Nulla sit amet mauris urna, in imperdiet justo. Proin eget odio velit. Quisque leo arcu, placerat ac elementum et, varius et lorem. Curabitur interdum lectus non velit malesuada ut commodo enim accumsan.

"talk talk talk"
you won't get much closer, until you sacrifice it all
you won't get to taste it, with your face against the wall

<table align=center border="0" bgcolor=#010204 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>
<img src=""</img><center>
<div style='width: 600px; text-align: justified; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10px; line-height: 120%; color: #b3a683;'>
<div style="margin-left:40pt; margin-right:40pt; margin-top: -80pt; margin-bottom: 10pt;"><div style="text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 7pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #2b4c6e; width: 500px;"><br>
walk walk walk

[b]"talk talk talk"[/b]
</div></div><div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; letter-spacing: 3px; text-align: center; color: #b2b2b2; line-height: 29px;">you won't get much closer, until you sacrifice it all</div>
<div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #2b4c6e; line-height: 0px; padding-bottom: 6px; text-align: right; padding-right: 25px; font-variant: small-caps;"><b>you won't get to taste it, with your face against the wall</b></div>
<div align="center"><sub><sub><a href="">image by tay</a></sub></sub></div>

Descaro Posts: 77
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1hh :: 8 Buff: NOVICE

'hi, i'm descaro and i'm a sexy beast.' i think kels is too amazing for her own good, I love this so much <33

xxsimplicity-stock | fantasydesignstock @ da

<CENTER><img src=""></CENTER><table align="center" width="650" bgcolor="#080807" cellpadding="22" cellspacing="22"><tr><td style="border:solid 4px #080807"><div align="justify">
<font style="font-family: times; color: #56504d; font-size:12px; letter-spacing:1px; line-height:13px">
<font style="font-family: arial; font-size: 9px; color: #e0dfda; letter-spacing: 2px;">'hi, i'm descaro and i'm a sexy beast.'</font> i think kels is too amazing for her own good, I love this so much <33
<center><a href=""><font style="font-family: arial narrow; font-size: 8px; letter-spacing: 5px;">xxsimplicity-stock</font></a> | <a href=""><font style="font-family: arial narrow; font-size: 8px; letter-spacing: 5px;">fantasydesignstock</font></a> <font style="font-family: arial narrow; font-size: 8px; letter-spacing: 5px;">@ da</font></center>

Descaro Posts: 77
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1hh :: 8 Buff: NOVICE

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse placerat tempus elit. Donec enim nisi, ullamcorper eu luctus eleifend, posuere at sapien. Duis nunc tortor, tincidunt sit amet tincidunt vel, mollis ac massa. In pulvinar mollis erat, nec pharetra ligula auctor nec. Pellentesque ultricies molestie urna, non interdum leo euismod sed. Phasellus a odio eget sapien vulputate rutrum sit amet at risus. Proin euismod diam neque, ac pulvinar nisl. Sed vehicula auctor cursus. Vestibulum vel enim lectus, eu placerat mauris. Vivamus at nulla nec nisi posuere dapibus id auctor nibh. Duis magna nisi, venenatis vel aliquet id, iaculis et enim. Etiam mattis sagittis ante. Integer in enim purus. Ut sed erat et purus varius viverra. Ut ullamcorper sollicitudin dolor posuere vestibulum.

Suspendisse at dolor massa. Integer sem odio, volutpat ac aliquet non, dapibus a diam. Vivamus leo turpis, aliquam a tristique malesuada, eleifend vitae lorem. Nam eleifend risus vel lectus auctor ut vestibulum magna luctus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Duis tempor fermentum augue vitae sodales. Aliquam ultrices tempor nibh at sagittis. Maecenas non mauris ipsum. In arcu ligula, pretium a tempus et, tristique quis tellus. Donec ullamcorper, nisl ut congue condimentum, tellus orci accumsan elit, non hendrerit sapien justo lacinia elit. Vivamus consectetur, ligula id hendrerit fermentum, erat lectus faucibus nisl, at euismod libero metus in odio. Vivamus id erat eros. Aliquam lectus erat, porttitor aliquam consectetur in, tristique ac metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Quisque luctus, elit sit amet volutpat porttitor, purus est elementum sem, ultrices condimentum ante nibh non elit. Nulla vel nisi turpis. Ut est diam, gravida at commodo lobortis, faucibus vel justo. Vestibulum sit amet elit a lacus facilisis tempor. Vivamus dictum, lacus et euismod accumsan, massa turpis condimentum sem, nec commodo dolor nulla eu elit. Donec eget massa dolor. Phasellus in lobortis lectus. Curabitur ornare hendrerit libero non sodales. Pellentesque tortor tortor, tincidunt vitae vulputate vel, ornare tempor metus. Pellentesque ut dolor augue. Ut sit amet nunc nulla, non bibendum magna. Mauris a quam egestas justo adipiscing vehicula. Sed metus nulla, semper vitae eleifend in, consectetur vitae nisi. Praesent rhoncus urna at urna tempus aliquam. Ut pretium facilisis urna et tristique.

Donec nec mauris tellus, in pulvinar erat. Sed laoreet luctus ante, quis tincidunt felis faucibus ac. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis dui vitae leo pellentesque lacinia. Proin eget nisi quis lacus blandit porta. Nunc non nisl sem. Ut eu fringilla tellus. Vestibulum dictum libero id ante accumsan nec vehicula dolor imperdiet. Etiam lacinia pretium felis, eget luctus tortor porttitor eget. Maecenas at massa mi, quis faucibus tellus. Quisque dignissim mauris eu tellus egestas molestie. Ut risus nisi, laoreet et tincidunt at, sollicitudin non velit. Fusce euismod facilisis ligula, non tincidunt velit pharetra vel. Praesent justo erat, lacinia ac porta et, volutpat et est. Suspendisse blandit dui at velit cursus pulvinar rhoncus erat pretium. Mauris molestie porta elementum.

talk talk talk
Like every game that needs a player
Every sinner needs a savior
I'm the villain you're willing to save
image by dark

<center><table width="574"  bgcolor="#02050e" style="border: 6px solid #000000;" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><img src=""</img><div style="margin-left:40pt; margin-right:40pt; margin-top: -30pt; margin-bottom: 10pt;">
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
<font color="6688af">talk talk talk</font>
</div></div><div style="font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; letter-spacing: 3px; text-align: center; color: #b2b2b2; line-height: 15px;">
<sub><sub>[i]Like every game that needs a player
Every sinner needs a savior
I'm the villain you're willing to save[/i]</sub></sub></div></td></tr></table></center><sub><sub><center><a href="">image by dark</a></center></sub></sub>

Descaro Posts: 77
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.1hh :: 8 Buff: NOVICE


"this is me saying something!"

tablebykite [horse©nightmare-v/bg©phatpuppy]

<center><div style="width:700px; border:20px solid #000000; border-top:20px solid #000000; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 92px; -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 92px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 92px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 92px; background-image:url(''); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; padding-top:670px; padding-bottom:20px; background-color:#041200;"><div style="text-align:justify;margin:10px;padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px;text-indent:5px; width:530px;"><font color="#bbc6d6" style="font-family:georgia; font-size:10px; line-height:11px; word-spacing:2.5px; text-transform:uppercase;">

<font color="#537260" style="font-family:mangal; text-transform:lowercase; font-size:15px; line-height:10px; word-spacing:-5px;">"this is me saying something!"</font>

</font></div></div></center><center><font size=1>tablebykite [horse©nightmare-v/bg©phatpuppy]</font></center></center>

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