the Rift

Chase a New Horizon [open]

Drachen Posts: N/A
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The wind rustled the leaves gently; making the entire forest seem like it was taking small, ragged breaths. Drachen was not used to this, being surrounded by plants and wildlife, as his life until that point had consisted of his beloved sparse desert and high cliffs. During his short duration of being on the ground, he had already spotted dozens of animals. Squirrels scurried up trees, cheeks expanded with acorns; rabbits dashed in their burrows at the sight of potential danger, foxes hunted for unsuspecting prey, songbirds perched in high branches and chirped their songs. It was all new to the winged creature, being around so much life.

A serene silence drenched the forests at that moment. It was almost too thick to be serene, as even the birds and insects had quieted. Then he heard the faint rustling of underbrush, and an onyx ear to turn in the direction instinctively. A loud nicker followed the sound soon after, causing the brute to stop abruptly, coming to his usual graceful stop.

"Good day, brother!" A welcoming feminine voice reached his ears. Drac froze on instinct, his muscles becoming tense. His vision was impaired, and the mare had come from his blindside. Straining for a sound, he heard the rhythmic sound of hooves hitting the ground in a trot until they came to a stop somewhere near him.

"I am Cassiopeia - Dragon's Throat Oracle. Might I ask your name?" Upon hearing the mare—Cassiopeia—‘s melodic voice, he zoned in on her location and swiveled his head toward her. His muscled instantly relaxed and his cobalt blue eye widened slightly as his good eye took in her appearance.

The mare had a dark blue hide like the night sky. Her speckled white sabino markings glittered slightly from the setting sun hiding in the tree line, mirroring the many silvery stars in the sky. Her leonine tail was moving slightly with the forest’s uneven breathing. It was unusual for a Pegasus to have such a tail, yet on the dame it just added on to her overall elegant look. Huge wings were attached to her sides, with a mixture of black, blue, and silver feathers. There were small marks of pink scar tissue littering her body that had yet to be healed completely, giving Drac the impression that she had been in a fight recently.

The brute, gathering his courtesy, replied, "Oracle. You must be very wise." He complimented, his voice a nice brazen and charming tone and words slightly accented by the tongue of his previous land. He inclined his neck slightly to give the mare a polite partial bow. "I am Drachen, Outcast of the Rathin herd located a several weeks travel east of the rising sun." He hesitated as he said outcast, almost giving his title as prince, yet stopped when he remembered. Had he not just been outcasted from the land? Not just ran away to forget everything? He snorted at himself internally.

Messages In This Thread
Chase a New Horizon [open] - by Drachen - 09-13-2012, 07:58 PM
RE: Chase a New Horizon [open] - by Cassiopeia - 09-13-2012, 10:30 PM
RE: Chase a New Horizon [open] - by Drachen - 09-15-2012, 03:02 PM
RE: Chase a New Horizon [open] - by Cassiopeia - 09-17-2012, 01:23 PM
RE: Chase a New Horizon [open] - by Drachen - 09-19-2012, 08:52 PM
RE: Chase a New Horizon [open] - by Cassiopeia - 09-19-2012, 09:48 PM
RE: Chase a New Horizon [open] - by Drachen - 09-21-2012, 10:11 PM

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