the Rift

[OPEN] Strings of friendship stretched too far
Ascended Helovian

Gaucho The Wildfire Posts: 1,004
Deceased atk: 8.5 | def: 11.5 | dam: 8
Stallion :: Pegasus :: 17.2 :: 12 HP: 85 | Buff: PINNACLE
Mara :: Black Mamba Snake :: Paralyze & Vorsa :: Plain Zephyr :: Phoenix Odd

And I'd bring you further roses but it does you no good
Gaucho's lips almost peeled back in a hearty laugh as the first words out of Ophelia's mouth were an apology. He had thought that the mare was incapable of such things. His picture of Ophelia was now a big question mark. When they had sparred she had seemed ... formidable to a point. She didn't push up against the barriers of his strength though few did. Still she had stood her ground, and as a result the battle had come down to their companions: an arena in which he lost. Now she tells him she answered a challenge against her? Her body certainly showed the signs of it. It must have been quite the ordeal. If he knew that in fact she had fought two fights recently he would have understood the markings on her body even more, although remained just as impressed, if not a little turned on.

So who was Ophelia? Cunning? Manipulative? Kind? Generous? Clever or naive of her own faults? Strong? Or boldly stupid? Beautiful? Or deserving of death?

He had no idea anymore.

As she described Confutatis the Wildfire did laugh. He had met the mare before. She had been crazy yes, but also a coward. "Gaucho surprise she even fight. Gaucho spar her before. She run away after first attack." Had she drooled then? He probably would have remembered if she did but nothing was coming to him. She had thought herself so powerful, and yet she crumbled immediately.

The facades of the mind do not fortify the body.

"Thank you." He offered on both accounts. When was the last time information had been shared so easily between the two herds? Was he obligated to share information with Ophelia? "Gaucho speak with Sun God. Soon there will be explosion -" He advised, blind gaze glittering darkly as his minds eye pictured what he imagined would come. "-If you hear it or see it, not worry. Land bridge will be gone-" He continued, motioning to the patch of land that Ophelia had just come from. "Too many just wander in. Now we force them to wait." Unless they had wings of course, but the thought never even occurred to Gaucho. His own kind had never showed aggression to the Throat. Sometimes racism could seem so justified. However the lingering image of Thranduil so far inside of the Throat (and unknowingly for so long), but Gaucho's skin itch. It was unacceptable. This was a way to stop that from happening. "Magic bridge go there instead." He concluded, wanting to cut off the stream of questions he had already heard from his herd: What about those who can't fly?

He snorted as she mentioned the Academy, wincing at the implications of why it had begun. "Soh and one of Gaucho's sons go to collect materials. Things we not have in Helovia. To educate. Tandavi want to teach too. Maybe she continue project until Soh returns." But would Soh return? If she didn't would that justify his having moved on? (Was that even what it was? What had happened between He and Ampere? That was moving on ?)

"Gaucho give no orders against Basin. If we angry, Gaucho will come North. Will tell you. A small party went North few days ago - we have lots of metal here. They offer to trade with your crafters." It was actually fairly historic when you thought about it. When was the last time the leaders of the Throat and the Basin had spoken so frequently? When was the last time any trading occurred between them? Gaucho only hoped they came home without injury. Things were going so well, after all. It would be a pity to see it crumble so soon.

Table style by Tamme! Image Credits
Please tag me in every post! Magic/Force is allowed on Gaucho at any time.

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RE: Strings of friendship stretched too far - by Gaucho - 01-04-2015, 01:00 PM

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