the Rift

[OPEN] Across the Sea

Thranduil the Laurelin Posts: 598
Outcast atk: 5.5 | def: 11 | dam: 6.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.2 hh :: Eight HP: 77 | Buff: ENDURE
Haldir :: Common Cerndyr :: Dark Mist Hawk

They all needed a break. A moment of calm to clear their heads. So much had happened in this season, so little rest and ease given It was not like him in the slightest. The golden son, though skilled as can be did was not his usual self in such states, and it all seemed like an eternal blur now. A blur which dragged and weighed him down. Sleep had finished that unease time, though it was still a fitful sleep with images and sounds of the previous days echoing throughout it. But sleep it was. It gave him a spring in his trot, and an attentive, elegant curl to his neck. He made him attune to the world again, and he noticed the world was moving on. So he must to if he were to be a part of it. But with winter coming the Basin was not the place to be. So the gold moves out. His soul in very much a restless state still. It was hoped the sea and a distraction could ease that. With Orangemoon it was far too cold already to dive in, but a pleasant walk, and perhaps a distraction was all he needed.

Poor little Haldir needed it too. The deer trailing the gold had also seen a great deal in this past season, and he had grown concerning quiet over it. Not that the gold was concerned of course, but he had thought it best for the deer to get out as well. Best for them all to get out and shake off the dull cloaks. It was beautiful Orangemoon after all. The season where golden leaves fell on their twin’s back. Where a cool breeze blows through the hollows with a gentle kiss on the nape. Where the last of summer’s bounty is enjoyed before the winter. It was not hard for the little deer to get the distraction he needed by looking and enjoying the seasonal changes. His little light heart still low but his body picking up at last. The golden hid a smile at seeing it.

Trees gave way to sea oaks, and shrubs, and flat forests to the rolling hills of sand. Now Haldir knew where they were going and his little tail began to wag, and his legs to move him much faster. He, unlike the golden had always enjoyed the sea, having swam in it each time. The dark deer now dashed over the dune to its crest and wait impatiently for the gold to catch up before dashing about to the next. One the last dune, coming up to see the beach spread wide before him the small creature could not wait and he dashed towards the ocean’s edge. Shaking his head the gold, remembering what predators walked the beach, rolled himself up and lunged into a center behind the deer.

Down the beach he came, with flying sand, but silent step. How different this was. He had forgotten the ease of working muscles when not under strain of war. He had forgotten the power his body still possessed in its prime. Contained canter, with each step expanded, and unfurled to a gallop and a spirit. Crowned head tossed and a low call rumbled to the deer in front of him. Haldir, coming to the water’s edge turned and saw the golden running up the beach. His little face lite up, he had never seen the golden in such a mood! Instantly the deer takes off as fast as his little legs could carry him. Stretching, pulling, and contracting the golden ran. His body sweating away the constrictions it had felt over lately. His lungs purified from their half hearted breaths with the gasping for air, and heart from its dead pan beats with the pounding of a rolling drum.

Haldir of course did not have a very easy time of it. His little legs kept up going, but they were not long enough to keep up. Faster and faster the golden ran the more the deer was left behind. At last his gait breaks, and he, panting and trembling from the excursion must stop. His pale eyes watch the gold continue to tear down the beach, and his head drops a little. But look! He glances back up to see such a sight he could not have ever hoped for! The golden had turned! He was coming back. Strung out gallop was now an easy canter again, and he had turned into the water. Hooves letting it splash up onto his sweaty hide (though of course no sound was made). The dark deer jogged to meet him, and the golden did at last slow. The bright face of Haldir looks up with tail wagging to the golden. The twin horned notices the deer’s expectation but his mind chides him for even turning back, and this certainly was too much. Heart still pounding, and nares still clawing for air he ignores the small deer and instead shakes his golden body, spending thousands of crystals of water into the air. Haldir jumps at the water and dashes about in the shallow waves. Coming out from the water’s reach the gold lets out a slow exhale as he watches. For the first time in a long while he is content. And for the first time in a long time, he is ready for some new mischief.

OOC :: @[Sikeax] or Ver =D Apologies for the double tag....
Wardrobe:: Circlet, armband, hawk necklace, satchel (golden cloak, dagger, polearm)
Identities:: Ampere, Cashmere ( I think....)

Image by the AMAZING Vossity

[Image: 5381546acbe33]
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Messages In This Thread
Across the Sea - by Thranduil - 05-08-2015, 07:52 AM
RE: Across the Sea - by Sikeax - 05-20-2015, 01:17 AM
RE: Across the Sea - by Thranduil - 05-24-2015, 02:08 AM
RE: Across the Sea - by Sikeax - 06-13-2015, 02:27 PM
RE: Across the Sea - by Thranduil - 06-24-2015, 11:02 AM

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