the Rift

[OPEN] Across the Sea

Sikeax the Sea Soul Posts: 355
Outcast atk: 4 | def: 9 | dam: 6
Mare :: Hybrid :: 16 hh :: 5 years HP: 64.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Hobgoblin :: Common Rougarou :: Water & Seoul :: Plain White Dragon :: Toxic Breath Zuno
"You will miss it soon enough." A look is given in response that tells her that he doesn't understand what she is trying to hit nor does he want to, watching on drier land as she stands mid-cannon deep in cooling waters. Waves caress her skin in a loving embrace as he jumps, leaping up into the air to avoid the coming attack. "If you keep this up, you'll never get to see how wonderful the world is down there."
Hobgoblin could care less. She was fully aware of this fact and he didn't waste time in letting her know. Each plead slowly worked into his impatientance and angered him more. Attack after attack left the champagne mare marks of battle, and as of recently, she'd begun the risk of counting the seconds, minutes, hours, sometimes days between his attacks, trying to figure out what pleased him and what would rescue her from abuse.
All she wants to do is live her life, but that's a request even God himself laughs at.
A long, lonesome sigh pulls from her lips and drags itself out over the waves. Ears perk up and meet the noise before swiveling around to something else, tail snapping in and out of positions as a symbol of his annoyance and anger. As long as the water held her, she was safer than she was on land, unless he decided to build up his wings and soar to her.
They unfold before her eyes, watching in almost silent terror as her brother of soul, mind, and emotion spreads his wings as if he is the Devil himself, preparing to strike down the souls of the damned to their, no, his fiery home of damnation. Weak blue hues remain glued as he flaps once, twice, many times more as sand sprays about him in a circle and tries to rest atop the bodies of their neighbors, finally coming to fly away from her.
She's smart by this point. If someone is near, he's likely to want to know who they are through his special sort of investigation.
Within her chest, she apologizes in preparation for whoever that person or creature might be. It may just be food that he's heard, but as her legs push against the waves, moving parallel to the coast, she doubts he'd show that much interest in food.
It ends up being a waste of energy. Sikeax's mind is filled with the image of a horned, golden man, prancing about the waters with a rather large deer. Hate punches her in the throat when he cannot swing down to get them.
Inside, she dares to smile but fears the end result, leaving her to do nothing more to do than watch the world through his set of eyes, listening to the sounds of his internal rage as he dives back to her. Claws scramble over her back as a cringe decorates her face, shivering at the wet, slick sensation of snake skin against her hide as he climbs her and wraps himself about her neck, now switching roles as she becomes his life line.
They meet the pair with a slow pace, watching from knee-deep waters as they play and enjoy the time together.
We could have that.
A hiss fills her ears and she knows these are all dreams that aren't worth chasing. Hobgoblin was a monster that cared only for himself, her opposite til the end of their shared days. They watch like strangers who make their dreams off of others' lives, grasping onto a shred of torn hope that maybe there was a chance that that could ever be them.
The golden walks from the water, Hobgoblin urging Sikeax onto doing the same. A longing to feel ground beneath her feet twisted itself about her mind, pleading to escape the false of trust. The grip about her neck tightens.
She shatters and abandons, groaning in the same fashion that a child does when they have been turned down their favourite toy or a trip to the playground. Salt finishes licking her legs by the time she's touched the sand, shedding the excess from what remained of her torn mane tail.
"Do you not like the sea?" It pushes from her lips to both Hobgoblin and their company. Their lingering was odd enough, and to carry the appearance of stalking with a lack of words could only further her risks of being attacked.
Not that he minded the idea, that is.

OOC: Apologies for making you wait so long! I'll get a better post out next time once I get a feel of the thread going.


sam howzit

you were angels,
so much more than everything

:: please tag me
:: minor force and power play allowed

Messages In This Thread
Across the Sea - by Thranduil - 05-08-2015, 07:52 AM
RE: Across the Sea - by Sikeax - 05-20-2015, 01:17 AM
RE: Across the Sea - by Thranduil - 05-24-2015, 02:08 AM
RE: Across the Sea - by Sikeax - 06-13-2015, 02:27 PM
RE: Across the Sea - by Thranduil - 06-24-2015, 11:02 AM

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