the Rift

[OPEN] Fireflies

Ki'irha Posts: 176
Outcast atk: 4.5 | def: 9.0 | dam: 6
Mare :: Unicorn :: 15hh :: 5 years old HP: 64.5 | Buff: NOVICE
I am too fond of the stars || To be fearful of the night
This night was a silent, unbroken night. The skies had finally cleared, the midnight sky dotted with stars. Like the heavens' twin, the blue mare may very well have been a piece of fallen sky. The night was Ki'irha's favorite time. A time for silence, reflection, and dreams. She walked along a trail tread down by thousands of hooves. The snow was not fresh here, and showed the trails of others who had recently taken this path. She took delicate steps, her small cloven hoof prints distinguishable compared to the other sets.

The mare's mind wandered. She was homesick more than ever. She missed her brothers. Despite his descent into madness, she even found herself missing her father, before everything went bad. But more than anything, she missed her gentle mother. The softness in her voice during a lullaby, her genuine interest in her only daughter, her reassurance. But Ki'irha found herself forgetting the little things. She could barely remember the familiar scent of her mother. She was forgetting the sound of her voice. Everything important was disappearing.

Though lost in her thoughts, she was ever vigilant. The trees cast their long shadows, neat lines like soldiers marching to war. A distant owl asked his constant question. Branches rattled with the soft breeze high in the tree tops. The smell of pine rested thick like their sap in her nose. Though naked and dormant, this forest could swallow her up, leaving nothing but a memory that would fade in time. That was the incredible thing about life. Despite war and peace, death and life, every moment was fleeting and would be gone like the softest of breezes.

An explosion of color ripped her from her thoughts. Through the trees it danced, changing the white snow to a flurry of vivid shades. For a moment it disoriented the young mare. She cast her stormy eyes to the heavens, and realized what she was seeing. She took off, racing to a clearing to get a better view.

She emerged from the tree line, and for a moment believed she was in a dream. Fireflies, thousands of them, danced beneath the northern lights. Though erratic, the dance was perfect, synchronized even. The hill seemed to plateau, and several strides before her stood a figure silhouetted in the magical lights. The form was large, two horns crowning his head. She approached slowly. Despite the colored hues, she noticed a distinguishable honey gold coat. She recognized the proud stallion as one of the Lords of the herd. Below, like a young fawn, an antlered deer frolicked and played, clouds of fireflies rising in wake of his bounding strides.

She took a place beside the stallion, clearing her throat softly as to not startle him. She felt as though she may be interrupting a moment, but perhaps some moments like this were meant to be shared. "It's incredible, isn't it," she began, her voice soft and delicate, barely above a whisper. "We are so insignificant, you and I. But still, we can be a part of such an beautiful moment."

She thought of those she had lost, and her heart felt heavy with hurt. Her mother would have loved this. "No matter what, life goes on."

OOC// Sorry, I just had to jump in here, the setting was so perfect!
Tagged// @[Thranduil]
Image Credit
[Image: 5581b91112f69]
Colored by Kels ♡
Lines by Bronzehalo

Please Tag Me ○ Permission for magic and injury is granted. Just no death or permanent harm.

Messages In This Thread
Fireflies - by Thranduil - 05-21-2015, 09:34 AM
RE: Fireflies - by Knox - 06-05-2015, 07:58 PM
RE: Fireflies - by Ki'irha - 06-05-2015, 11:07 PM
RE: Fireflies - by Enna - 06-06-2015, 03:00 PM
RE: Fireflies - by Thranduil - 06-14-2015, 11:56 PM

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