the Rift

[OPEN] Across the Sea

Thranduil the Laurelin Posts: 598
Outcast atk: 5.5 | def: 11 | dam: 6.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 16.2 hh :: Eight HP: 77 | Buff: ENDURE
Haldir :: Common Cerndyr :: Dark Mist Hawk

It was a wonderful enjoyment. Selfish yet complete. Though it did strike him as curious that the mare seemed to draw back. She remains quiet and still. Her companion on the other hand was quite the opposite. The gold watches in a bit of discomfort to see the creature slither from her neck. He ignores it as their conversation continues, but Haldir of course could not. The deer steps back a few paces as the creature pools to the ground, and then transforms. Ears fall back and another few steps back are taken. He was not sure about this. He had seen creature change shape before, but coming from a snake he worried about what was to come. The golden was no help of course, he was far too engaged in the discussion, though he glance once or twice.

The creature had shifted to a deer. A giant deer. Though Haldir’s dark little ears come forward again, he still hangs back. The creature swayed its horns and pawed the ground. Threatening. Haldir, most confused looked up at the gold, but he was no help. The golden had given one glance to the transformed creature and grumbled it off as being nothing be another overprotective, instinctive companions. Haldir then turns back, his head tilting to look with most curious creature. Ears come forward slightly as he leans in to look closer and smell of the thing. Still most unsure.

The golden, as said, was still enjoying himself in the conversation. She speaks up at last and he listens with a most pleasant look. There wasn’t much to add, so he only nods. The question she tacks on was most welcome then. For it the golden shrugs it off. “I enjoyed the run more.” For once he wasn’t actually lying. Though he did love the sea and its cool refreshing waters, that run had been explosive. His head even, in the silence that follows for a moment, turns to look at where he had raced. As engaging as the mental exercise here was, he thought upon the release that run had given.

Haldir wasn’t having as happy of thoughts still. He watched the deer, looking with envy on the creatures horns. His pale eyes watching intensely the motions of the creature.

The golden’s gaze at the beach was ended as he spoke his name, and the girl returned it. Sikeax, of course that had been her name. The golden lets his warm voice roll through. “Well met.” That wasn’t a phrase he had spoken in a while. Tasseled tail flicks at a steady pace by his hocks. The conversation was dragging though. No plot twists, not drama. Even her question of his purpose here could not be pooled to have an interesting reply. Fighting dragons? Nope. Looking for ladies? Nope. Waiting for a giant octopus to wash up and ask him the meaning of life? Definitely not. “I was passing by, and the allure of a run couldn’t be ignored.” Trying to stir something up the golden shifts. “And you?” He smiled as he spoke, sincere. This time though, he was distracted by the small dark deer at his side.

Having watched the antlered deer the smaller dark one, was growing bold. Like children copying their elders the small deer had begun to sway like he. In a bound of energy like the other, he paws at the sand, kicking it up with such force as to make it more comical than serious. The poor deer’s bare head lowering and swinging. The golden’s eyes narrow, looking between them. “Haldir….”

OOC :: @[Sikeax]
Wardrobe:: Circlet, armband, hawk necklace, satchel (golden cloak, dagger, polearm)
Identities:: Ampere, Cashmere ( I think....)

Image by the AMAZING Vossity

[Image: 5381546acbe33]
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Messages In This Thread
Across the Sea - by Thranduil - 05-08-2015, 07:52 AM
RE: Across the Sea - by Sikeax - 05-20-2015, 01:17 AM
RE: Across the Sea - by Thranduil - 05-24-2015, 02:08 AM
RE: Across the Sea - by Sikeax - 06-13-2015, 02:27 PM
RE: Across the Sea - by Thranduil - 06-24-2015, 11:02 AM

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