the Rift

Plot with Phyre

Ophyreia Posts: N/A
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Y'know... I think Ilios x Phyre would make a DANG sexy baby, don't you? I don't know if a long-term relationship would work, since he's two years younger (she may find that annoying) and he's in the Throat while she's in the Edge. And the baby-daddy thing wouldn't work unless you think Ilios would be willing to take care of the baby once it's past weaning... I don't think Phyre is the type to ever get a hang of the whole mothering thing! This is just an idea haha, otherwise they could have a mutual attraction that turns into friends? C:

Oh my goodness Kaj is so handsome! I also think Phyre would be drawn to him because of the position he holds... not because she's a "gold digger," but because she was once in that position and respects the tenacity needed to hold it. Since he's more of a monogamous character... would you wanna tentatively try for them being mates? It would definitely be slow going, since she's in the Edge and he obviously can't leave the Falls... but maybe, if they got to the point of love, she would leave the Edge for him. It'd definitely be interesting to play out...?

Ooooh clashes are always so fun to play out! The friction definitely makes posts interesting to write and read. C: Reading her profile - they're both "firecrackers" so maybe we can find a subject for them to disagree on, and then have a mutual dislike/grudging respect for each other? Ooooh!

Okay so reading Art's personality, I can see them being great friends / protecting each other... once Phyre gets past his appearance, lmao. She comes from a land with mostly earthen-toned horses, so seeing someone who looks so... unnatural... will definitely be a test of her open-mindedness. I do 100% think she'd get past it and then come to really enjoy his company! What do you think?

I think you are spot on when you say Phyre would be a very frustrating mixture of annoyance and appreciation! She could be Tiamat's friend until the point where she buckles and snaps at her, and then a few hours later they're friends again - bubbly personalities tend to be contagious, even to Phyre! <3

Oh wow, Rohan is very handsome! It would be such a fun, refreshing experience to have them be physically attracted to one another, but not be able to stand each other for more than an hour or so at a time (especially with their personalities! it seems as though they may be very similar in that sense, which could cause some tension and headaches). Maybe their attraction could just be the type to cause heat and friction in the air, and then eventually they just have a candid convo with each other and decide enough's enough, and at that point they become friends? We could totally try a long-term thing too, if you're interested! I like slow processes C:

Messages In This Thread
Plot with Phyre - by Ophyreia - 08-19-2015, 09:08 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Ilios - 08-19-2015, 09:10 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Kaj - 08-19-2015, 09:11 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Artorias - 08-19-2015, 09:12 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Tiamat - 08-19-2015, 09:24 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Ophyreia - 08-19-2015, 09:24 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Kaj - 08-19-2015, 09:30 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Artorias - 08-19-2015, 09:30 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Ophyreia - 08-19-2015, 09:37 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Jahzara - 08-19-2015, 09:53 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Ilios - 08-19-2015, 10:19 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Gull - 08-19-2015, 10:26 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Kratos - 08-20-2015, 12:44 AM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Mauja - 08-20-2015, 01:09 AM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Leeka - 08-20-2015, 11:12 AM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Ophyreia - 08-20-2015, 01:33 PM
RE: Plot with Phyre - by Mauja - 08-21-2015, 02:51 AM

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