the Rift

the mystery of winter [open]

Murder Posts: N/A
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The bane the arctic liquid instilled upon Murder’s limbs was almost excruciating as he trekked through the nightmarish bog. Each stride felt worse than the previous and he began to regret ever venturing into this grim quagmire, in all actuality he was rueful of journeying into Helovia completely. Foolishly he had found himself in the Threshold of this mythical domain, and accumulating on his thoughtlessness Murder chanced resting his eyes. Never had he made a worse mistake. When the stallion awoke he lamented to learn his lifelong comrades had been stolen from him by mischievous Gods pursuing nothing but the amusement they received from the woe of their inferior sycophants. He reviled them, sought after scarcely more than for a greater omnipotent deity to arise and strike them down. These desires were contrasting to Murder’s archetypal nature in a number of ways and the recent deviations were quite the encumbrance on the patriarch. He knew of his ravens’ absence constantly, but very seldom he could insist he sensed their gaze affixed on him and it tore at his soul. All was not lost however for Murder had a strategy, though it was paramount to the plot that he first find the divinities.

Unexpectedly the wind produced a fresh gust dissimilar to its former minor breeze. Murder came to a halt, as the atmosphere was infiltrated by a pair of extravagantly plumed appendages, and scanned the firmament with enquiring scarlet optics. The wing span on the mare was colossal and Murder couldn’t help but watch her glide gracefully yet aversely into the wetland. He was unsure whether she’d seen him, yet she had soared right above him so he tremendously disbelieved she had not at least glimpsed him. The azure hued vixen had touched down mere yards away and surreptitiously appeared to be scrutinizing the marsh. Was she waiting for someone? It seemed difficult to believe anybody would come here to graze or even just relax by themselves, so Murder presumed she must be up to something. Curiosity overwhelmed Murder unexpectedly, he did have an undertaking of his own after all, but he couldn’t shake the fact that he desired to pinpoint what her expedition was as well.

Elevating his brawny limbs from the muck he dragged himself onward with mild exertion. Steadily he approached her, crimson lanterns analyzing her as if she were a textbook and he had a vital exam to study for. Murder detected that she wasn’t a predominantly lofty or bulky damsel and practically seemed as if she were mostly wing. Murder stared at her wings with minor reverence, for he had habitually clandestinely craved a duo of his own. To have the capability to ascend with his aerial brethren had been a delusion of Murder’s since he was an infantile envious unicorn. With age however he had acknowledged reality, albeit with slight hesitation, but he couldn’t negate the fact that from time to time when he slumbered he still delved into a world where he could propagate wings. Like that was at all probable.

Coming to a rest limited paces behind the femme, just in the instance he startled her and she decided the lash out, he exhaled and tossed his mantel eradicating himself of his contemplations and bringing himself back to the current. Leonine banner quivered languidly at his hocks and a single lobe fell against his crania as he raised his skull to its full height, leaving the additional ear to retrieve information.

“Not exactly the prime location for a holiday is it? May I inquire as to what motive brought you to this eccentric quagmire?”

Murder’s tones were by far the most buoyant they’d been since his arrival here, but they still held an almost acrimonious and reproachful hint. All would be restored with any luck when he was returned his crows but until then Helovia had a rather irate prick to contend with.

{ ooc: Sorry that took so long and its very mediocre, it shall improve haha }

Messages In This Thread
the mystery of winter [open] - by Cassiopeia - 10-24-2012, 11:05 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Murder - 10-27-2012, 11:46 AM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Cassiopeia - 10-30-2012, 04:08 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Murder - 11-01-2012, 11:32 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Cassiopeia - 11-08-2012, 03:23 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Cassiopeia - 11-13-2012, 09:11 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Murder - 11-25-2012, 01:01 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Cassiopeia - 11-25-2012, 11:23 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Murder - 12-02-2012, 01:25 PM

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