the Rift

avis codes for you

Serenity Posts: 78
Outcast atk: 4.5 | def: 9 | dam: 5
Mare :: Pegasus :: 15 hh :: 7 HP: 60 | Buff: NOVICE
Hello!! So I figured instead of randomly doing tables for people I would go ahead and do one of these too! The following holds information about what kind of coding I can do and offer. I love helping people and making pretty things so request away ♥

Any examples can be found in posts made by Serenity, Cloak, or Isi.

Posting tables

❥ Free HTML tables that you can use for posting!

❥ Please try to provide me with an image you already have picked out, otherwise I'll use a placeholder image for the meantime (if applicable)

❥ You're welcome to be either very vague or very detailed when requesting a table!

❥ Just note that I might jump around the requests depending on the ease/complexity of each table, but I will get to yours asap!

❥ Use the code below for organization:

Type: if you have a preference for expanding or scrolling
Image(s) and position: provided image(s) and if you have a preference for top or bottom placement on the table
Colors/themes: provided colors if you picked any, or general themes if you have a preference
Other: anything else!

Type: <br>
Image(s) and position: <br>
Colors/themes: <br>

Profile tables (HTML)

❥ Free tables to use for your profile sections!

❥ Please try to be a little more detailed when filling out this type of request.

❥ Use the code below for organization:

Type: either one table for the complete profile or individual tables for each provided section
Image(s): any image(s) you'd like included
Colors/themes: provided colors if you picked any, or general themes if you have a preference
Other: anything else!

Type: <br>
Image(s): <br>
Colors/themes: <br>

Profile tables (CSS)

❥ CSS tables to use for your profile sections!

❥ These are more complex, detailed tables that include tabs.

❥ Please try to be a little more detailed when filling out this type of request.

❥ I do charge for CSS tables, so feel free to offer any trades you deem worthy (small trades! includes small items, markings, VOTG rolls, passes, art, etc).

❥ When offering a trade I prefer to do it through pm!

❥ Use the code below for organization:

Tabs: how many tabs you would like and the type of transition if you have a preference
Image(s): any image(s) you'd like included
Colors/themes: provided colors if you picked any, or general themes if you have a preference
Other: anything else!

Tabs: <br>
Image(s): <br>
Colors/themes: <br>

Profile Pages
Custom profiles

❥ Examples can be found on @Serenity / @Cloak / @Isi

❥ 100% customized profile fit to your liking, including banner, colors, etc.

❥ I will ask for slightly more in regards to trades for these, as they take a lot of time and coordination to make perfect! Trades are made on an individual basis, so offer what you deem worthy.

❥ I ask that this be discussed through pm only! ♥

(Please tag me in every post)

Messages In This Thread
avis codes for you - by Serenity - 12-17-2015, 02:15 PM
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RE: avis codes for you - by Serenity - 12-18-2015, 07:31 PM
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RE: avis codes for you - by Parelia - 12-25-2015, 02:28 AM
RE: avis codes for you - by Ashamin - 12-25-2015, 11:46 AM
RE: avis codes for you - by Spice - 12-25-2015, 10:02 PM
RE: avis codes for you - by Ki'irha - 12-26-2015, 09:32 PM

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