the Rift

the mystery of winter [open]

Murder Posts: N/A
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What Murder knew of the deities was trifling, but they were so substantial for the beasts in this realm that Murder felt obligated to educate himself further on their customs and antiquity. However from his experiences thus far he was not fond of the Gods in the least. As Murder gazed at the cobalt amulet strung around the striking damsel’s neck and contemplated her words he knew why. The games these demons occupied the mortals with were unmistakably for their own amusement and it sent a tremor of loathing up Murder’s spine. There was no way he could call himself an atheist since the evidence of the idols existence was profound but the longing to cast them from his life once he was returned his crows was intense. That was not to say he would cease to believe in them but merely that he would refuse their help in any way. Perhaps he would even embolden others to do the same. Give them a chance to see reason. These Gods were egocentric, indolent and cruel and Murder intended to see them taken down from their pedestal. Yet he didn’t anticipate it to be easy.

Sanguine orbs traveled from the azure brooch to the mistress’s matching eyes and Murder nodded, comprehending her assignment. It was yet another indication of the divinity’s ridiculous jest at their underlings and though Murder hid it well he felt mild pity for the dame. Gods established their supremacy from the conviction of their followers and yet they were not grateful. Instead they required their devotees to praise them, and to Murder that was erroneous. ”Shall we begin our search?” was the verse that jolted Murder out of his ponderings. The icy temperature of the air was once again recognized by the baron causing the layer of muscle below his hide to quake.

“Yes, certainly, let us commence our quest. Excuse me for not introducing myself formerly, I am Murder.”

His tones were relaxed and hospitable. Today he would help this femme look for this moon stone, in an attempt for Murder to acquire a better understanding as to why these creatures let the spirits treat them in such a way. But tomorrow Murder would embark on a little expedition of his own in optimism of fixing this flawed structure.

Sauntering forward Murder walked around the vixen as he desired to find this gem quickly. This place was teeming with the impression of desolation and horror, neither of which Murder was too keen on, and he wanted to leave as soon as possible. Murder stared into the polished surface of the waters that bordered them, detecting the silhouettes of figures in its grasps, and made an annotation to himself to stay strictly to the center of the conduit. Raising his chiseled dome to assess the firmament he realized it was gradually growing dim, a fact that made Murder uneasy. He did not know his way through these everglades and, unlike his plumed acquaintance, was not blessed with fantastic wings to aid him in a fluent getaway should a dilemma arise.

“So what, if I may enquire, is the significance of this stone you seek?”

He desired to know since the more he gauged the situation the more perilous it became. Murder wanted to help her, sincerely, however he was unsure how much he was willing to risk for her cause. The further he ventured the worse the outcome was beginning to appear.

{ ooc: Sorry again for the terribleness of this post and how long it is taking me. I'm really trying to keep up with this but my muse is dead :( }

Messages In This Thread
the mystery of winter [open] - by Cassiopeia - 10-24-2012, 11:05 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Murder - 10-27-2012, 11:46 AM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Cassiopeia - 10-30-2012, 04:08 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Murder - 11-01-2012, 11:32 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Cassiopeia - 11-08-2012, 03:23 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Cassiopeia - 11-13-2012, 09:11 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Murder - 11-25-2012, 01:01 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Cassiopeia - 11-25-2012, 11:23 PM
RE: the mystery of winter [open] - by Murder - 12-02-2012, 01:25 PM

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