the Rift

You are Glittering

Avira Posts: N/A
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Avira protects herself.

{perhaps a stretch, but better safe than sorry}
The light is on you
- right now she is questing for healing magic, perhaps this is a reference as to her 'show' right now?
And your brethren too
- not sure
Your wings you will lose
- she is a pegasus, perhaps the Basin is upset that she healed Farai and is threatening to take her wings
Your heart is too true
- she is a pure soul, happy and loving, but deep inside she is broken
You know it's all soon
Dedicated to the cause
- dedicated to healing?
It will stop soon
- if she is taken prisoner, perhaps they will beat her and 'stop' her.

Messages In This Thread
You are Glittering - by Rapha - 12-14-2012, 09:41 PM
RE: You are Glittering - by Midas - 12-16-2012, 04:29 PM
RE: You are Glittering - by Avira - 12-16-2012, 06:23 PM
RE: You are Glittering - by Tor - 12-16-2012, 06:53 PM

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