the Rift

I May Be Late, But I Get There In The End [Open]

Totem Posts: N/A
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Time waits for no one, so do you wanna waste some time?

Talents? A simple question, but there were so many answers he could present. He supposed that being lazy was certainly not what the fae was looking for, nor was scheming, for that could result in a negative reaction. So, what else could he do? Guard, of course, assuming the mare didn't have strict definition for the term. His version of guarding consisted of simply standing where he was stationed, though often enough it proved effective. Fighting, too, was something he could do, though he found it didn't quite suit his taste.

Perhaps it would serve him best to point out her lack of border protection and offer his services to remedy that. It would be an easy job, with this pass being the only easily accessible point into the unicorn's domain, and it was one that apparently had yet to be filled. "Well, I be a fair 'oof at watchin' fer intruders." Infernos drifted around their surroundings, tinged with contempt. "It would seem thar doesn't 'ave too many o' those." True, criticizing the way things were run might not be the best idea, but perhaps his honesty could win him some brownie points. She seemed the sort the value the truth, even if the words weren't something she wished to hear. There was always the chance that he was wrong, of course, but it was a risk he was willing to take. After all, if things went wrong he could always travel to the other herds and seek acceptance there. The Basin was simply the most convenient.

Boring though. Already, Totem could feel his interest in this conversation wavering, drifting across the ice-ridden land in a vain attempt to provide amusement. The most minuscule details began to seem fascinating, simply because they had gone unnoticed before. The odd arrow shape of a rock, the exact shade of gray that painted the sky, the way one of the mountains rose above the others slightly. They, too, would lose his attention in but another moment, but for now they kept him rooted, held in in place so that he did not simply saunter away from disinterest. It was tempting though.

Messages In This Thread
I May Be Late, But I Get There In The End [Open] - by Totem - 12-28-2012, 09:54 PM
RE: I May Be Late, But I Get There In The End [Open] - by Totem - 02-02-2013, 01:33 PM

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