the Rift

The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES]

Corsair Posts: N/A
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[Image: corsairtable.png]


Corsair had found himself in the Threshold a lot lately, though it was not a place that he took to his likings. The tallsun heat seemed to be trapped under the thick branches of the forest, suffocating the old salt. He long to feel the beaches' winds as they sent mane and corks flying in all directions, the smell of sea and sand heavy in the air.

Cloaked in sweat, Corsair's muscles glistened in the sunlight, but it was rather uncomfortable for him. He was used to being able to take a run, then linger in the ocean, washing his body in the ocean. It was not like that here, but alas, Corsair had ran anyways, now plum tuckered out.

Huffing and puffing as he moved, Corsair was still alert for any signs of life. The Pirates numbers had dwindled, they needed more members, although the life of a Pirate is hard and not for everyone, though it was for him. Without the band, Corsair would be nothing more than a seadog out of place among the land-loving horses who resided in Helovia. No. He would not let the band split, he would simply have to find more horses to recruit.

The sound of the rustling of leaves alerted Cosair, the burnished stallion stopping in his tracks. This was the sound of a creature who was obviously out of place on land. It could be anything, but Corsair could smell horse in the air. What a stroke of luck.

After only a minute of searching, Corsair found the horse he had been looking for. It was a tall lass, her height reaching above his own. She had her back turned to himself, though he could see the eyepatch behind her ear. This was no ordinary girl; she was no doubt a pirate. She was muscular, and with some training, could definitely be a fine sight in battle. At this point, Corsair had no reason not to offer her a spot within the band.

"A pirates lass, eh? 'S a fine day to meet another with a passion fouer the sea," Corsair spoke, his voice warm and welcoming. The last thing he wanted to do was to scare the mare off. He flipped his forelock out of his sparkling blue eyes, mane and corks rustling slightly at the movement. It was flirtatious, seductive, almost. The usual Corsair.

"talk talk talk"

Take what you can, give nothing back.

Messages In This Thread
The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - by Cosette - 02-08-2013, 12:07 AM
RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - by Corsair - 02-08-2013, 02:11 AM
RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - by Corsair - 02-10-2013, 06:15 PM
RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - by Corsair - 02-12-2013, 11:57 PM
RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - by Cosette - 02-08-2013, 08:40 PM
RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - by Cosette - 02-11-2013, 04:16 PM

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