the Rift

The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES]

Cosette Posts: N/A
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Cosette had traveled for days just to get to these lands, and what she saw so far was beautiful. Even though she did not care really for the trees and the land, it WAS beautiful. Her gaze fell up to the sky, the darkness taking over. Sure it was never safe in the woods at night, but Cosette wasn't fearful. She stood proud and strong, that was until a voice echoed from behind her.

The gaze of her golden eyes quickly turned to look behind her. There, stood a stallion, fairly shorter than herself. He spoke words, calling her a pirate lass. Her ears shot forward as she turned her body elegantly to face the other. She took a few steps forward and spoke softly Ahoy thar! Indeed I be, 'n 'twould so seem ye be too? Th' sea be where i thrive. Her strong french accent coming through.

The strands upon her neck blew forward as she dropped her head slightly looking up at the male. Me name is Cosette, I don't suppose ye 'ave a spot fer a new crew hand? She said with a small hopeful smile. She wanted to finally be apart of something, apart of people who shared the same passion and she. Her beautiful face and confident posture was sure enough to impress the slightest of groups. She had always been one to try and impress others, always holding herself to higher standards.

Sorry, how rude o' me. Wha' be it ye said yer name was?

Messages In This Thread
The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - by Cosette - 02-08-2013, 12:07 AM
RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - by Corsair - 02-08-2013, 02:11 AM
RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - by Corsair - 02-10-2013, 06:15 PM
RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - by Corsair - 02-12-2013, 11:57 PM
RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - by Cosette - 02-08-2013, 08:40 PM
RE: The Fish in the sea Ain't happy [PIRATES] - by Cosette - 02-11-2013, 04:16 PM

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