the Rift

Would you bow, before you leave? [Willow to Phaedra]

Blu the Bootyful Posts: 443
Administrator atk: 99 | def: 99 | dam: 99
Mare :: Other :: 5'7" :: 25 HP: 99999 | Buff: TWERK
For way of explanation Phaedra, because Willow was just visiting all the herd lands to talk with their healers, it'd be best to say she was ambushed returning home from the Aurora Basin (the last place she visited). Nadira was traveling with her along with some Foothills body guards (unsure as who yet, depends on who wanted to go with her), but they were all tired from the constant traveling.

Willow is big, but she's not much of a fighter, but she did have her traveling companions alongside her so it either had to be a trap laid out, just overwhelming numbers against her, or magic or something. Maybe they were stopping to rest and you ambushed idk what exact specifics regarding that you prefer.
 HP: 1100

Helovia Hard Mode

Messages In This Thread
RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - by Phaedra - 02-12-2013, 07:22 PM
RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - by Blu - 02-12-2013, 07:44 PM
RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - by Nadira - 02-12-2013, 09:00 PM
RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - by Osiris - 02-12-2013, 09:16 PM
RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - by Gaucho - 02-12-2013, 09:39 PM
RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - by Mauja - 02-13-2013, 07:32 AM
RE: Would you bow, before you leave? - by Delinne - 02-13-2013, 02:02 PM
RE: Would you bow, before you leave? [Willow to Phaedra] - by Blu - 02-13-2013, 02:08 PM

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