the Rift

The little red tales

Lana Posts: N/A
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The small cottage I live it. I always tell my daughter how beautiful it is and I don't like. It is tucked away in the forest,one of the deepest parts in fact. I live with just my poor blind daughter and her pet cat I brought her when she was just a little girl but the cat's getting old now and I don't think it will be long before she goes,my daughter will be heart broken. Anyway,my little old mother lives at the other side of this forest all on her own. I have offered for her to move in with us but she refused but I know she will be alright anyway,she is rarely ill.

Anyway,one of the times she was ill she was home bond and so I was delivering her food supply's and stuff. But one day my daughter asked to go and so the next day I packed her a small basket and called her over. "Little red,come her please," Little red,that was the name she was known by all because of the little red hood and cloak she wore. "Could you go and take this to grandmother and collect some flowers from the forest to but do not talk to any strangers along the way." I can see the wide smile on her face as she fumbles for the basket in my hand then runs out the door. Ok mother! She was such a energetic child,so like her father.

Around a hour later there was a frantic knock on the door. I put down the stack of clothes I was about to wash and went to open the door to see her father there. Why was he here? I didn't want him here and I told him not to come to this house ever. "What are-" He is crying and I roll my eyes. It's our daughter- I cut him of. "Don't you dare come into her life!" He crys more. But that's just it,she is dead! I freeze as he holds up a burnt and bloodied red hood and cloak.

That night,we both sat by the fire and wept for the loss of our daughter.

"blah blah blah."

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The little red tales - by Lupus - 02-20-2013, 08:06 AM
RE: The little red tales - by Lana - 02-24-2013, 01:28 PM
RE: The little red tales - by Ignita - 02-24-2013, 02:42 PM

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