the Rift

Getting out more [Open]

Crven Posts: N/A
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Someone I used to know....

Crven had kept her ventures mostly to the borders of the worlds edge. Fearful that should she accidentally encounter the fabled Mirage that she would not know her.....though from what she had heard she was black as night and as beautiful as the morning sun. Her was strange not to even know your leader. But Thor had accepted her into their fold...and perhaps that was enough to fell anyone elses rath at discovering her on their lands. Lith marbled legs parted the grass as she carefully ventured closer to the inner sanctum of the Worlds Edge. Each step like a drum beat, and intrusion into someone’s land she had not even met, a dare, a chance. But so far so good....Was it just her mind playing tricks on her or did the grass smell sweeter here? And then out of the long grasses her pale blue eyes fell on a tiny filly.....a very tiny filly. She must have been born but days before, her painted little pelt still carrying the new sheen of uncorrupted life. But where was her mother? Crven definetly was not capable of caring for a newborn foal....she had never even been pregnant. But one really wanted to breed with a naked necked mare. For a moment the thought brought a sour look to her refined face, but she quickly forced it away. Stepping closer to the tiny filly she lifted her skull higher, stretching her neck until the muscles and bones popped with effort...Ah...there was her mum. Not so far away after all. Could this be Mirage? No....she did not think so. But it was about time she met someone other than Thor....
"Hello little one..." She said softly, noticing for the first time the pale sheen across her gaze....the way her eyes did not follow movement. Blind? What a handicap that would be.....but perhaps she was wrong...maybe the tiny creature just had really pale eyes.... " Hello there" She said a bit louder towards the assumed mother of the foal. "You’re daughter is quite beautiful.."

"Talk talk talk."
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Messages In This Thread
Getting out more [Open] - by Takara - 03-21-2013, 11:09 AM
RE: Getting out more [Open] - by Crven - 03-21-2013, 12:36 PM
RE: Getting out more [Open] - by Takara - 03-21-2013, 02:48 PM
RE: Getting out more [Open] - by Crven - 03-21-2013, 03:10 PM
RE: Getting out more [Open] - by Takara - 03-22-2013, 02:22 PM
RE: Getting out more [Open] - by Crven - 03-24-2013, 11:06 PM
RE: Getting out more [Open] - by Takara - 03-26-2013, 11:54 AM

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