the Rift

When Will This Madness End?

Sandman Posts: N/A
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I am easily make-believe, just dress me up in what you want me to be.

His greeting to the mare does not go unnoticed, her tiny companion charging across the sand to confront him with a hostile snarl. He is tempted to laugh, amused by the display of wrath. How intimidating does this creature believe himself to be? It is a ball of fluff, far too small and, to be honest, adorable to be a threat. Yet he holds his tongue, and with a simple look, Kanti settles the beast. He regards it for a moment longer, making certain it is properly subdued, before returning his attention to it's mistress.

At least she seems pleased to see him, easily answering his questions and calling the child, his child, over. No hesitation, no suspicion. Just serenity, and perhaps even a hint of eagerness. To introduce the filly to him, as she claims to be her intention, or does she secretly want to show off the girl? Prove that she can produce beautiful offspring, show him just how well she has done? Catalina is lovely, he admits, watching her stride forward, her gaze just on the verge of being insolent. She does not resemble her father in any way, at least not physically, yet that almost glare reminds him of himself. Not so much now, for age and loss have calmed his temper, but he once held the world in contempt.

Perhaps she is more like him than he has thought.

She stands before him now, issuing polite words and dipping her head respectfully, even offering up a small smile. It doesn't last, though, and he is almost saddened when she backs herself behind Kanti(but why should that bother him, he does not know this filly, and does not care to. Right?). And then, she speaks again, and even though her tone is still polite, the words sting(Why though?).

He obeys the unspoken demands of both the flicka and the kangaroo, thick legs carrying his frame back a few steps, giving the small group more room. After all, he is a stranger to two of them, and he has come uninvited to the family outing, striding up in his arrogance, certain that he would be well received. A mistake, he knows that now, and cautiously, he makes his apologies. "I am sorry, Catalina, if I have upset you, for that was not my intention. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." He turns Kyan then, not forgetting that he has also offended the tiny marsupial. "I apologize to you too, little one. I know you only wish to protect Kanti." And oddly enough, he is sincere, though he still does not understand why.

Messages In This Thread
When Will This Madness End? - by Kanti - 03-15-2013, 07:55 PM
RE: When Will This Madness End? - by Catalina - 03-17-2013, 04:07 PM
RE: When Will This Madness End? - by Sandman - 03-18-2013, 08:59 PM
RE: When Will This Madness End? - by Kanti - 03-18-2013, 10:15 PM
RE: When Will This Madness End? - by Catalina - 03-19-2013, 07:30 AM
RE: When Will This Madness End? - by Sandman - 03-31-2013, 08:42 PM
RE: When Will This Madness End? - by Kanti - 04-15-2013, 04:43 PM
RE: When Will This Madness End? - by Catalina - 04-18-2013, 09:16 PM

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