the Rift


Hana Posts: N/A
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I don't preach or scream ain't trying to teach the scene,
The only guidelines are those you need to read between.

She had been almost silent since her fight with Lakota. The mixed pallet had settled comfortably into the foothills and while her punishment still hung over her head, nothing would send her running from this home. Her tears had long since dried, her fighting and stubborn side was all that lived now. It may had only been a short amount of time, but she had become fiercely protective for her older sister. The crumbling soul that needed her baby sister to carry her. After every thing that Lakota had done for her, Hana didn't care in the slightest. In fact she wanted to do it. Where had Lakota gotten to though? Hana hadn't seen her sister in a while and the young dame assumed that she had run off somewhere wanting to escape the shadows that she constantly lived in. Hana had ended up standing by a tree, the ground was frozen, Frostfall was truly upon them. She was searching for her dark sister, whose pelt would easily show against the pale snow. Worry upset her stomach making her feel nauseous, desperation upset her mood. Hana found herself turning in a slow circle while her ruby eyes searched. No where did she spot her sister's dark hide, no where did she magically appear from. So it was going to have to be a search on foot. Before she had even taken a step though, Ophelia's dragon Tinek, flew above her, and she noticed a few other's following him. A small smile played on her chops before she began to follow him as well. He was such an amazing creature.

Seeing the other's following him, Hana guessed that it was time for a herd meeting. Interested in the purpose of the meeting and hopeful she would find her sister there, Hana walked quickly to where they where gathering. She stopped and smiled in general at everyone that had gathered. The relief filled her as her eyes settled on the coat that she knew better than her own. Lakota was here, Lakota was safe. Her sister, the one person she would happily die for. She walked quickly to her sister's side, she was careful to give Ktulu a wide berth, not wanting to risk her life today. She pressed her muzzle to her sister's neck. Hana then looked into Lakota's eye and did a quick assessment of her sister. She saw past her sister's acting, the pain and darkness lurked. But there was something different in her eyes. Was it hope? Hana frowned at her sister, she seemed to be at different ends of the emotional scale all at once. "We will talk about it after this, okay?" It was a soft whisper intended only for her sister. Then her bright ruby eyes settled on Ophelia, however her mind rested with her sister still. Worry. That was all Hana felt after reading her sister's eyes. What was plaguing her mind now? But more importantly what had changed her sisters sadness, what had given her hope?

She did not feel the need to add in anything to everything that was already mentioned. She had no questions to ask and was quite content just listening in to everyone speaking. In all honesty when her sisters question was answered, so would Hana's. Her eyes fluttered down to the little filly that introduced herself as Ranjiri and Hana chuckled. "How adorable." Hana murmured to no one in particular. Little babies where so adorable, Hana was eager for the day that she would have her own children.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Hana - 06-09-2013, 01:20 AM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Casimir - 06-09-2013, 06:18 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Atka - 06-11-2013, 02:18 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Janus - 06-11-2013, 09:12 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Donai - 06-16-2013, 06:20 AM

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