the Rift


Apollo the Merciful Posts: 251
Outcast atk: 5.0 | def: 8.5 | dam: 5.5
Stallion :: Unicorn :: 15.3 :: 11 HP: 63.5 | Buff: NOVICE
Zola :: Black Cat :: None Sparrow
A warm trilling echoed through the cold air, and it was by that sound that Apollo lifted his head, a frozen chunk of ice and snow resting between the stallion's lips. He had been chewing on the ice, the cool sensation rather pleasant to his tongue and doing wonders to quench his thirst. Despite how very thirsty he was, the last thing that Apollo wanted to do was venture out in the snowfall to the river, puncture the thick ice that covered the stream, and then drink from there, all the while being snowed on... No, this was much better. Here, the horned stag was standing beneath a thick collectiong of pine trees, their heavily-bristled branches doing wonders to keep the overo free from most of the snow. It was meager and rather pathetic, and the pines oftentimes scratched at his sides, but... It was better than being out in the cold.

Still, as the trill floated through the air, Apollo's honey-brown orbs searched for the maker of the sound, only to spot Tinek drifting towards him moments later. Tinek...? What did he want? Was Ophelia alright? Surely she was, or else the Medic imagined that Tinek would not be so playful or leisure in his approach. Another trill floated through the air, and Apollo chuckled, daring to venture out from his hiding place. Muzzle lifted upwards, he called out to the white dragon.

"Tinek! Why are you out in the snow? Where's Ophelia?"

At his inquiry, Tinek drifted closer, seemingly unbothered by the snow. Apollo marvelled at his courage and determination, and the dragon let out another chirping trill, and turned, obviously wanting Apollo to follow. The stallion hesitated, turning to look back at his safe place nestled in the pine trees before releasing a rough breath and hurrying after the dragon. If Ophelia needed him, then he would go, no matter the weather. As he made his journey, eyes squinting against the falling snow, the white powder began to settle upon his back. The shaggy, ebony fur of the steed's winter coat absorbed the cold and helped fight against the melting snow, and his pace remained at a brisk trot as he followed after the wayward dragon.

Of course, it didn't take terribly long for Apollo to arrive at the meeting, his pace faltering as he eyed each individual who had already arrived. The overo spotted Lakota, his fellow Earth Medic, Mesec, young Roskuld, Hototo, Osiris, Peixos, Circe, and a few others who Apollo had yet to formally meet. Ktulu was there with her youngest, Ranjiri, and of course, standing at rapt attention, was Ophelia. Amber eyes glanced around in furtive silence, as if contemplating on where he should stick himself... Then, allowing his eyes to rest upon Mesec, the Moon Child, the medic ventured towards him.

He wasn't familiar with the yearling dressed in darkness, but they had crossed paths more than a few times, and there was a somber, almost downtrodden gentleness to him that Apollo felt a strange kinship to. His pace was slow, almost lethargic, and he paused on the other side of the Moon Child, for young Roskuld was currently using the yearling as a leaning post. A chuckle crossed the stallion's maw and he shook his head, and reached over to gently brush the crest of Mesec's neck with his muzzle in greeting.

As he did, Apollo's eyes turned once more to Ophelia, and he listened intently at her words. Ears swiveled forward, then tipped to the side in curiosity. A pact with the Basin...? How strange. There was surely more to this than was being spoken, but the Medic knew his place; it wasn't his right to ask. Instead, he swallowed a large breath of air, held it for a few moments, then spoke. His voice wavered slightly, as he was unused to speaking in such large groups, but...

"I will do as I can, as well. If I am needed on these... Patrols," here, the medic's tone faltered. It was no secret that he did not prefer violence. "Then I will accompany my brothers in arms. Or, if perhaps I can be of use in another way, I am open to any ideas."


I Just Want You To Know Who I Am

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RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Hana - 06-09-2013, 01:20 AM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Casimir - 06-09-2013, 06:18 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Apollo - 06-10-2013, 09:39 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Atka - 06-11-2013, 02:18 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Janus - 06-11-2013, 09:12 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Donai - 06-16-2013, 06:20 AM

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