the Rift


Janus Posts: N/A
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I'm Right Where I Should Be, Don't Try and Fix Me
Perhaps it was by pure chance that Janus stumbled upon the collection of members of the Grey. She had been wandering that day, uncaring of the frosty snow that fell upon her back, a lost and glazed look to her ice-blue eyes. This was her new home, yes, but Janus found it hard to settle without purpose. She felt no connection to those who stood a ways off, gathered around the beautiful alabaster mare with dual-colored eyes. No... The Grey was now her family, yes, but emotionally she felt no connection to them. Aside from Fence, but...

The war-mare's blue eyes searched for the Trotter's familiar frame, searching the collection of dedicated souls for the familiar tufts of ivory locks that were barely held into their once-pristine braids. There was no sign of him, and idly, the mare wondered just where Fence was. Janus didn't know if she should approach this band of close-knit mercenaries, but... She wasn't a coward, and the last thing that she wanted to do was appear intimidated or fearful by the Grey. What did she have to be afraid of? They were her kin now, her brothers in arms. Inhaling deeply and keeping that breath contained, Janus counted to three before releasing it. A swirl of mist floated from her nostrils, dancing around in the frigid air before rising and disappearing.

Squaring her shoulders, Janus ventured forward, cream-kissed hooves crunching the snow beneath her body. The Andalusian's ivory coat shone once more, as she had managed to wash the mud from her hide, but she cared not a lick for it. A war mount is what she had been raised to be, so she cared little about 'beauty' or 'appearance.' The strands of her tail flicked left, then right, before resting comfortably against the backs of her legs.

As she drew closer, Janus paused near the back of the group. What, indeed, woul they think of her? Was she truly even a part of the Grey right now, or just a bumbling outcast who had little relation? Ice-blue orbs sought out those around her, taking them all in, cataloging every detail of her soon-to-be family... Perhaps not too long from now, she could get to know them.

Turning her gaze to Ophelia, Janus waited until she was certain that no one else was going to speak before she opened her maw, forcing the words to come. Her vocals shook with light trepidation, but the Andalusian pushed past it, forcing her tone to shift and alter, to appear strong and bold. To appear the way she once was, before the wars in Vallhea had left her bitter and broken. Head lifting high, the war-mare's eyes remained locked on the blue and red orbs of Ophelia.

Please, Riveth, give me strength.

"Lady Ophelia... Lady Ktulu... I am new as well to your band, and I fear that I have met none other than your own Lev Fence. It was he who found me and brought me here, to your home... And I wish to offer my services to you in any way that I can. These patrols that you speak of... I am a soldier, my Ladies, and it would be an honor to fight for your family."

[ooc: Janus has yet to be accepted into the Grey, so I hope that I can have her rank changed by having her arrive here? :D Also, I'm hoping for a fighting rank for her...]

xxx words

Messages In This Thread
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Hana - 06-09-2013, 01:20 AM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Casimir - 06-09-2013, 06:18 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Atka - 06-11-2013, 02:18 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Janus - 06-11-2013, 09:12 PM
RE: Patrols [MANDATORY HERD MEETING/AC CHECK] - by Donai - 06-16-2013, 06:20 AM

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